IT Consultancy support for further modernisation of the Customs Service Central Information System “Frontiera”, IOM Moldova


Reference code:  SVN2024-22 

Open to External Candidates


  Position Title


IT Consultancy support for further modernisation of

the Customs Service Central Information System Frontiera”


 Duty Station


Chisinau, Republic of Moldova



 Type of Appointment

Duration of Consultancy




1 January – 1 December 2025

 Estimated Start Date


1 January 2025


Closing Date


20 December 2024


Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.


IOM is committed to a diverse and inclusive environment. Internal and external candidates are eligible to apply to this vacancy. For the purpose of the vacancy, internal candidates are considered as first-tier candidates.





  1. Nature of the consultancy: provision of expert support for the further modernisation of the Customs Service Central Information System “Frontiera”.
  2. Project Context and Scope:

Within the framework of the EU funded project “Supporting protection, transit, repatriation and reintegration of affected eastern partnership citizens and vulnerable third country nationals in the eastern neighborhood region affected by the conflict in Ukraine” (hereinafter, referred to as “the EU-funded IOM project”, IOM is supporting the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova in the further modernisation of the central level IT system “Frontiera” of the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova.

Through the EU 4 Border Security (EU4BS), IOM has already supported the modernization of the central level IT system “Frontiera” of the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova, and successfully tested and operationalized the system at the central and BCP level. The overall objectives of the “Frontiera” system modernization were set as follows:

  • to significantly speed up the process of crossing checkpoints by vehicles.
  • to improve security by preventing vehicles and persons with law enforcement concerns from entering or leaving the country;
  • to have a tool to control the location of a vehicle at checkpoints;
  • to have a tool for online monitoring and work with archives at checkpoints;
  • to minimize the impact of the human factor and ensure the transparency of the activities of customs authorities at checkpoints;
  • to unify the data that should be recorded by system users for each vehicle crossing the border.

The modernization performed under the EU4BS improved the overall Customs business processes related to border crossing, resulting in paving the way for better interaction with the EU information systems in the Customs sphere. The EU4BS project worked to modernize the system “Frontiera” under two phases, as follows: 

The first phase of the “Frontiera” system modernization was defined to consist of implementing a micro-server architecture instead of a monolithic model and replacing the application server to ensure scalability and improve security. Scalability was achieved by implementing a micro-server model. In practice, this means that in order to add or change the functions of any of the modules, it would not be necessary to rebuild the system core every time. This in turn reduces the cost of development and maintenance of the system, as it would be possible to attract different development teams for small development tasks. Also, as the JBOSS solution was no longer supported by the manufacturer, that is, vulnerabilities are not tracked or fixed. In practice, this meant increased software vulnerability, which would have to be compensated by additional costs (buying more expensive network equipment and software to protect against threats in proportion to the degree of vulnerability of the root system).

Under this phase, the core of the central level IT system “Frontiera” of the MD Customs Service was modernised, and it was successfully installed and tested at the BCP level for sustainable operation. The modernization improved the overall business processes related to border crossing, creating the potential for a better interaction with the information systems used for the mobility of goods and Customs procedures at the EU level. The investment in the CIS “Frontiera” modernization allowed for future expansion of the Video Control System (VICOS) and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) systems at other (and potentially all) BCPs, and centralized exchange of data between the Customs Services of Moldova and Ukraine (and in the future also EU MS, incl. Romania). The concrete results under the Phase 1 included the upgraded application architecture and the replacement of the application server, upgraded report designer, upgraded automated information exchange module, migration of the module for exchanging information with other participants of the Moldovan Government platform MConnect, possibility of exchanging and importing data from Border Police, integrated module for connecting with several other IT systems etc. 

The first stage/phase of the modernization was finalised in June 2023, resulting in comprehensive modernization of the core of the "Frontiera" system, the first stage also including the upgrading or establishment of key modules, necessary for Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova.

The second stage/phase of modernization included the development of important support functions, such as the modernization of the module for recording the duration of stay in the country, the modernization of customs information exchanges with the systems used by other countries, and in accordance with the policy of Moldova on digitalization of services, transferring the statistical subsystem into governmental cloud Data centre MConnect to ensure direct access to all public services.

This phase allowed to: develop passport interfaces for all the customs posts, once all technical and infrastructure facilities were indicated, allowing for reconfiguration of the said posts; implement the EU SEED (Systematic Electronic Exchange of Data) system for both the empty trucks, and also for cargo, which can support data exchange with the Romanian Customs service;  implement the Authorised Economic Operators (AEO) mechanism and as a result, the cross-border traffic with EU would be facilitated and the burden on the customs inspectors would be reduced; implement a fraud suspicion reporting module, allowing the risk analysis operators to filter and analyse the data; implement “e-Vignette” module, allowing the monitoring of duration of stay of vehicles on the territory of the Republic of Moldova; establish a messaging/chat module.

In November 2023, the Moldovan Customs Service in collaboration with IOM Moldova determined the importance and relevance of the integration in the ongoing EU-funded IOM project of further support for the modernization of the "Frontiera" Customs Service Information System and the establishment of a series of additional new modules and functionalities. The further modernization under a third phase was deemed indispensable to ensure the implementation by the Customs Service of the new Customs Code (No. 95 of 24-08-2021), which entered into force on January 1, 2024. As such, a series of functionalities and modules for “Frontiera” were prioritized for development, implementation and testing, under a third phase, as follows:

  1. Expanding the functionalities of the “Frontiera” necessary to implement the provisions of the new Customs Code no. 95/2021 and removing IT barriers for travelers, including immigrants and refugees:
  2. The freight flow management module for rail transport
  3. Passenger flow management module for rail transport
  4. Air freight flow management module
  5. Air transport passenger flow management module
  6. The cargo flow management module for maritime transport
  7. Passenger flow management module for maritime transport
  8. Integration of MPay and MConnect to extract information from the Treasury info system
  9. Development of the "Mortuary notice" functionality
  10. Development of the "Staff Randomization" functionality
  11. The module for the record of the movement of goods in the central segment of the Republic of Moldova (Record of quotas, reports, goods)
  12. Development of functionality for storage, management and presentation of collected data (existing data, updating by querying external WS, RSUD, RSP, etc.)
  13. The development of the necessary functionalities for the application of penalties for exceeding the gauge parameters
  14. Development of the module for processing payment notices, including payment collection, integration with MPay.
  15. Expanding the “Frontiera” functionalities for external actors, including the management of users with limited access from the external environment to “Frontiera”
  16. Development of the electronic document "Traveler’s Declaration"
  17. Management of "Cash declaration" statements of financial means
  18. Declaration of means of transport for travelers, immigrants, refugees "Vehicle TAB"
  19. Development of the flow for submitting requests for granting special services and generating "Payment Notice" for individuals or legal entities
  20. The public interface for Travelers/Immigrants/Refugees
  21. Adjustment of cargo and passenger flow record modules with information on immigrants and refugees
  22. Tweaking the public interface for extracting H6 data
  23. Development of the public interface for transshipment requests
  24. Generation of Documents for transshipment, in PDF
  25. Expanding the basic functionalities of the “Frontiera”
  26. MD-RO module (data exchange with Romania)
  27. RO/UA/MD information matching module (additional functionalities for SEED+)
  28. Adding new modules for the “Frontiera”
  29. Implementation of a search engine to isolate search tasks, including full text, from the operational database management system
  30. The e-ticket electronic ticket module for expanding VICOS functionalities and integrating with other BQS type systems
  31. Development of functionality for barrier management based on VICOS information.
  32. Expanding risk analysis capabilities in “Frontiera”
  33. Developing the selectivity capability in the Risk Module.
  34. System for management, creation and modification of risk criteria.
  35. Restrictive list management system.
  36. Development of nomenclatures for alert messages
  37. Organizational Department / Unit to which the Consultant is contributing Migration Governance, Immigration and Border Governance
  1. Category B Consultants: Tangible and measurable outputs of the work assignment First deliverables:

The main objective of this consultancy is to provide needed effective and efficient specialized technical support and backstopping for the further modernisation of the Customs Service Central Information System “Frontiera”, to the IOM Project Management Teams, as well as the direct project beneficiary, namely the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova. Under the overall guidance of the IOM Chief of Mission and Programme Coordinator - Migration Governance, the incumbent is expected to:

  • Collaborate with all relevant national authorities and stakeholders for the development of specifications, conduct of procurement process, modernization and launching of the phase 3 modernized “Frontiera” system.
  • Support the drafting of a roadmap for the phase 3 of modernization of the “Frontiera” system, including the stages and structure of the product development, the progress indicators to be used during the development stage, the eligibility criteria to be used in the procurement process.
  • Drafting the description of business processes of the new functionalities to be added under phase 3 of modernization of the “Frontiera” system.
  • Develop the Terms of Reference for the phase 3 of modernization of the “Frontiera” system, offering budget estimations for the scope of IT services / works.
  • Provide specialized technical and IT consultancy and input to the draft documents for the procurement of the IT services for the phase 3 of modernization of the “Frontiera” system.
  • Attend and support the organization of informative pre-selection session(s), provide information and guidance, part of the procurement process.
  • Provide Input during the procurement process and the evaluation of technical offer(s) of service provider(s) of the IT services for the phase 3 of modernization of the “Frontiera” system.
  • Enhance the coordination between IOM, Customs Service and the developer company for the implementation of the IT system.
  • Monitor and provide expert advice during the development, piloting, and implementation of phase 3 of the modernization of the “Frontiera” system.
  • Provide expert support and evaluation in the testing process and final reception of the modernized “Frontiera” system by the beneficiary, advising IOM on fulfilling of requirements set in the Terms of Reference.
  • Draft reports, evaluations and deliver technical briefings to project team and beneficiary national authority whenever required during the project implementation.

Expected Outputs and Deliverables






Deliverable 1

The roadmap for the phase 3 of modernization of the “Frontiera” system, including the stages and structure of the product development, the progress indicators to be used during the development stage, the eligibility criteria to be used in the tender process. (Language - Romanian. If will be included as annex to ToR, an English version will also need to be presented)

In up to 30 days since contracting


Deliverable 2

The description of business processes of the new functionalities to be added under the phase 3 of modernization of the “Frontiera” system. (Language - Romanian. If will be included as annex to ToR, an English version will also need to be presented)

In up to 45 days since contracting


Deliverable 3

Terms of Reference for the phase 3 of modernization of the “Frontiera” system, offering budget estimations for the scope of IT services / works, to be used for the procurement of services for the phase 3 of modernisation of the “Frontiera” system. (language one version in Romanian and one in English)


In up to 60 days since contracting


Deliverable 4

Input to the draft documents for the procurement of works for phase 3 of modernization of the “Frontiera” system. (language Romanian)

In up to 5 days since receiving the documents


Deliverable 5

Input during the process procurement of works for phase 3 of modernization of the “Frontiera” system.

Review notes on the evaluation of the offer(s) within the procurement process for the acquisition and selection of the developer company. (language Romanian)

One week after receiving the submitted offers.


Deliverable 6

Monthly review notes on monitoring and expert advice and on progress in the development, validation, and testing under the Phase 3 of modernisation of the “Frontiera” system. (language English)

Monthly, by the end of calendar month


Deliverable 7

Final report, confirming the functionality of the “Frontiera” system testing, setup and launching according to the ToR requirements for the Phase 3 of modernisation, and including recommended next steps for further development. (language English)

Within the first month of the issue of the maintenance certificates and confirmation of the finalisation of works by the contracted developer IT Company.




Payment Modalities

The payment will be made in instalments, following the acceptance of each deliverable.

The payment will be done in 4 (four) instalments, upon submission of the deliverables, in the following order:

  1. Deliverables 1, 2;
  2. Deliverable 3, 4, 5;
  3. Deliverable 6;
  4. Deliverable 7.

The consultant must adhere to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Data Protection Principles (IN/138) and maintain confidentiality.

The consultant will be responsible to follow IOM writing guidelines and latest glossaries in all given assignments for accurate translation.

  1. Performance indicators for the evaluation of results
  • The consultant’s performance will be evaluated by the Programme Coordinator - Migration Governance:
  • Satisfactory completion of tasks indicated in this TOR
  • Quality of the analysis and the delivery of requested support
  • Quality of the detailed Terms of Reference
  • Feedback from the stakeholders
  1. Education, Experience, and/or skills required


Higher degree (Bachelor or Master) in the field of study related to IT or a related field from an accredited academic institution with relevant professional experience.


  • Strong background with at least 7 years of experience in IT sector.
  • Experience in supporting the development and implementation of complex IT systems, preferably for other public authorities.
  • Excellent analytical skills, as well as reporting skills for clear and concise information, including recommendations on the basis of analyses.
  • Excellent ability to collaborate with national institutions.
  • Personal commitment, efficiency, flexibility, drive for results.
  • Ability to work effectively and harmoniously with counterparts and colleagues from varied cultures and professional backgrounds.
  • Previous collaboration / work experience with the Customs Services of the Republic of Moldova is an asset.
  • Knowledge of the “Frontiera” system, or other IT systems of the Customs Services of the Republic of Moldova is an asset.
  • Strong understanding of the Moldovan context is an asset.


For this position, good Romanian command is required. The knowledge of English and Russian languages is a key asset.

  1. Travel required



  1. Competencies



  • Inclusion and respect for diversity: respects and promotes individual and cultural differences; encourages diversity and inclusion wherever possible.
  • Integrity and transparency: maintains high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles/rules and standards of conduct.
  • Professionalism: demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges.

Core Competencies – behavioural indicators

  • Teamwork: develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize results.
  • Delivering results: produces and delivers quality results in a service-oriented and timely manner; is action-oriented and committed to achieving agreed outcomes.
  • Managing and sharing knowledge continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate.
  • Accountability: takes ownership for achieving the Organization’s priorities and assumes responsibility for own action and delegated work.
  • Communication: encourages and contributes to clear and open communication; explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.



Any offer made to the candidate in relation to this special vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.

A prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station and work permit, as applicable.

How to apply:

Interested applicants are invited to send CV and Cover Letter in English to:

Please, indicate the position you are applying for and reference code in the subject line of your message.

Closing date for applications is 20 December 2024.

In order for an application to be considered valid, IOM only accepts the applications duly completed.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Posting period:

From 13.12.2024 to 20.12.2024

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