UCIPE angajează Specialist în aspecte sociale

Invitation for Expressions of Interest

Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit 

Sustainable Transition through Energy Efficiency in Moldova Project (STEEM Project)

Social Specialist


The Sustainable Transition through Energy Efficiency in Moldova Project (STEEM Project) aims to enhance energy efficiency in existing public buildings and the district heating sector in Moldova, and provide immediate and effective response to an eligible crisis or emergency.

The overall responsibility for Project implementation was attributed to the Ministry of Energy, which vested the day-to-day responsibilities under the Project in Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit (MEPIU), including the Project’s administrative, procurement, disbursement, financial management, environmental and social requirements, monitoring & reporting responsibilities.

The Project will be implemented in the period January 2025 – June 2029.

MEPIU now invites candidates to express their interest in the position of Social Specialist under the STEEM Project.

Interested applicants should have the following qualifications and experience:

  • University degree in sociology, education, social sciences, journalism and communication, public management or public administration or any other related fields.
  • Proved knowledge of World Bank and / or other International Financing Institutions` best practices and / or guidelines and procedures on social safeguards, social assessment, social analysis, effective stakeholder participation and complaints’ resolution systems, and the regulations and legal framework governing social management.
  • Minimum five (5) years of experience in social safeguards in development projects financed by World Bank or other International Financing Institutions. Relevant experience in energy sector projects will be an advantage.
  • Proved practical experience in gender equality and social fairness. The experience in conflicts’ resolution will be an advantage.
  • Fluency in Romanian and English is required, knowledge of Russian language will be an advantage.

The Social Specialist will be hired on a full – time basis Contract for the one (1) year period, with possibility of annual extensions until the end of the Project, subject to satisfactory performance.

The Terms of Reference may be found by following the link:https://mepiu.md/rom/despre-noi 

The applicants are invited to submit their CVs and Intention Letter to the following e-mail address: mepiu@mepiu.md or in hard copies at the address: Chisinau, MD-2068, 1 Alecu Russo street, block A1, of.163 by COB December 10, 2024.

Only candidates selected for interview will be contacted.

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