The Creative Industries Association In Moldova (COR) hires Trainers in The Animation and Game Design Speciality within UPSC


The Creative Industries Association in Moldova (COR) plays a crucial role in the successful implementation of the Moldova Future Technologies Activity (FTA) projects designed to continue the legacy of sector competitiveness programming in Moldova, established by USAID and the Government of Sweden. Within the hierarchical structure of the project, COR is tasked with the ground-level execution of the initiatives, which includes responsibilities such as making critical hires, managing staff, and ensuring that day-to-day operations are in line with the broader goals set forth by USAID and Sweden and facilitated through the FTA framework.

COR project hires trainers/lectures in the Animation and Game Design Specialties for next courses within UPSC (Pedagogical State University): 

  1. Special Effects in Animation (VFX)
  2. Compositing
  3. Image Concept 2
  4. Development of 3D games 1


COR, ‘Professions of the Future’ project - implemented by COR with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, with the support of the Future Technologies Activity (FTA), financed by USAID and Sweden - implemented at the Moldova Technical University, Faculty of Design, Moldova Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga”, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, for the training of students in the Animation and Game Design higher education programs within UPSC (Pedagogical State University). 


The trainer's responsibilities will be based on 4 Deliverables implemented in the training and education process during academic year 2024/2025, namely:  

  • conducting training in Animation and Game Design Specialties /Deliverable no.1 
  1. Special Effects in Animation (VFX) (30 academic hours – October 2024 / January 2025)
  2. Compositing (30 academic hours – October 2024 / January 2025)
  3. Image concept 2 (60 academic hours – October 2024 / January 2025)
  4. Development of 3D games 1 (30 academic hours – October 2024 / January 2025)
  • organizing a trainer training (ToT/ 12 hours) for each course/Deliverable no. 2, namely:
  1. Special Effects in Animation (VFX)
  2. Compositing
  3. Image Concept 2
  4. Development of 3D games 1
  • developing the curricula for each taught course, namely for / Deliverable no.3, namely:
  1. Special Effects in Animation (VFX)
  2. Compositing
  3. Image Concept 2
  4. Development of 3D games 1
  • developing the Course Support (teaching material for students) Deliverable no. 4, namely:
  1. Special Effects in Animation (VFX)
  2. Compositing
  3. Image Concept 2
  4. Development of 3D games 1


  • higher education, bachelor's degree or equivalent in the field of multimedia, animation and/or game design – natural person;  
  • at least 3 years of professional experience in the fields relevant to teaching; 
  • excellent communication and interaction skills with different categories of people; 
  • responsibility, professionalism, ability to work in a team, focus on results, learn and develop continuously, solve problems and work with minimal supervision; 
  • excellent command of the Romanian language (including excellent writing skills), knowledge of English and Russian; 
  • experience in developing didactic materials (curriculums, agendas, course materials).  


The offers, drafted in Romanian, are to be sent in electronic format to the address by November 1, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., and must contain (scanned copies):  

  • the extract from the state register certifying the registration of the bidder - economic agent or the identity card of the bidder- natural person; 
  • the financial offer; 
  • the CVs of the expert/experts and documents confirming their qualifications (diplomas, licenses, certifications), specifying 2 reference persons and contact details (phone, email, position); 

Possible clarifications can be requested at the email address 

COR is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factors. 

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