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Head of Secretariat (HOS). Prosecutor Vetting Secretariat

Head of Secretariat (HOS)

Prosecutor Vetting Secretariat

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

DEADLINE TO APPLY:  18:00 27 September 2024

Background: Global Solutions Ventures (GSV), a joint venture partnership between ZemiTek, LLC and Dexis Consulting Group, seeks qualified candidates for a project vetting Moldovan prosecutors. The project will provide a fully staffed secretariat to support a multi-national Prosecutorial Vetting Commission appointed by the Moldovan Parliament pursuant to Law 252/2023 which entered into force August 22, 2023.

Position: Head of Secretariat (HoS)

Operationally: The HoS works with a particularly direct and close cooperation with the Chair of the Commission and Secretariat leadership team while also working cooperatively with all members of the Commission and Secretariat as needed for the successful implementation of the technical operational aspects of Prosecutorial Vetting.

Administratively: The HoS coordinates with the International Senior Technical Expert (ISTE), with GSVs Moldova based Program Manager (PM) and when or if need GSVs US based Operations and General Manager (OGM),  to support GSV contract compliance, proactive human resources performance management, and resource management that optimizes the use of USG funding.

Work Environment: This is an office-based position with limited, to no, opportunity for work from Home.

Working Hours: The standard working hours are Monday-Friday from 09:00 to 18:00 with two 15-minute breaks (morning and afternoon) and a 60-minute break for lunch.

Responsibilities: The HoS serves as a technical expert providing day-to-day co-leadership, interinstitutional cooperation and when needed direct technical expertise in the vetting process. S/he must foster a positive working environment along with all other members of the leadership team and provides subject matter expertise to the Vetting Commission, The HoS provides co-supervision for certain technical and operational aspects of the implementation of the vetting processes directed by the Chair of Commission.

General and ongoing:

  • Provide day-to-day co-leadership for the operations of the Secretariat which may be a team of between 20-25 staff members.

·        Assist GSV in the recruitment and onboarding of Secretariat staff.

·        Support and/or conduct orientation sessions for Secretariat staff.

  • Serve as the focal point for external relations and communications of the Secretariat.
  • Maintain relationships with Moldovan institutions, agencies, and entities to ensure full and timely cooperation during all vetting processes.

·        In cooperation with the ISTE, support the maintenance and use of a SharePoint platform and prosecutorial vetting library system as the foundation of all technical workflow and the records retention platform.

  • Support the review and revision of rules of procedure, evaluation methodologies, and other policies, procedures, and documents required within the vetting process.
  • Work collaboratively with the ISTE to draft an Archiving/Records Retention Plan for all vetting records and present it to the Commission.

·        Support the ISTE to maintain and improve the “case-flow management” structure which defines the core elements of individual vetting case management and that allocates workflow processing in terms of key process steps, estimated average time and a tracking system to identify backlogs and delays.

·        Support the implementation of on-going training for the Commission and Secretariat.

·        With the ISTE co-conduct risk assessments for the vetting process and deliver risk assessment reports to the Commission, Secretariat leadership team, MOJ, Development Partners and their implementers as frequently as needed. 

Active Vetting Period

·        Ensure systems of delegation are in place to allow for optimized use of available human and capital resources.

  • Continue to cultivate and improve relationships with Moldovan institutions, agencies and entities and address all problems that arise via timely and cooperative problem-solving.
  • Ensure the Secretariat’s compliance with all relevant laws, rules, and regulations, including those governing the protection of personal data.

·        Support GSV, the Commission and ISTE to establish reasonable and attainable case processing timelines and report/decision completion objectives (metrics) as support to GSVs contract compliance.

·        Support the implementation of (at a minimum) monthly stakeholder meetings between the Secretariat, Commission, MOJ, Development Partners and their implementers or any combination of the aforementioned.

·        Support the ISTE to ensure the implementation of day-to-day tracking of all cases and monthly case-flow management statistical reports for the Commission, GoM stakeholders, Development Partners, and their implementers.

  • Along with the ISTE engage in continuous review of the case-flow management system and workflow and support the design of modifications to increase the efficiency and oversee the implementation of all efficiency measures.
  • Supervise the day-to-day work of the administrative team (Administrative Assistant, Media and Public Relations Specialist, IT Systems Administrator and Translators) and where needed provide performance coaching and mentoring.
  • Provide support to the implementation of the Communications Strategy which should include continuous public information announcements, public legal education on the vetting process and all other transparency measures needed to ensure a well-informed public.
  • Contribute to the monthly process to draft GSV required reports on the vetting process and the development partners contract implementation.
  • Work collaboratively with the ISTE, GSV Program Manager, and when needed the Commission, to address staff performance issues.
  • Oversee the successful planning and implementation of all Commission external or public events such as candidate hearings/interviews, press conferences, media appearances, etc.
  • Lead the drafting of the required annual performance report to Parliament and its finalization in close cooperation with the ISTE and Chair of the Commission.
  • Provide comments and feedback on existing or draft legislation, legal frameworks and sub-legal acts when requested.

Close out / Completion of the Vetting Process

  • In cooperation GSV and the ISTE conduct a final evaluation of the program, prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the program’s achievements, challenges, lessons learned and opportunities.
  • Facilitate the transfer of the knowledge and skills to relevant stakeholders, including local and international partners to ensure that the positive impact of the program can be sustained beyond its closure.
  • Ensure a feedback (lessons learned) session with team members, stakeholders, and beneficiaries is conducted.
  • Support the process to document lessons learned and best practices in a public report to inform future programs on vetting and enhance organizational knowledge.
  • Ensure that a final risk assessment is conducted to identify any lingering risks or potential issues that could affect the program even after closure.
  • Support ISTE and GSV in conducting inventory of program assets.
  • Support ISTE and GSV in organizing and archiving all program-related documents. 

Minimum Requirements:

  • A minimum of 5 years of broad, progressively responsible professional experience in supervision and management of medium to large sized teams – those with experience within rule of law, anti-corruption, criminal justice reform and/or vetting of either judges or prosecutors will be given preference.
  • History of collaborative, team oriented transformational leadership of a medium to large teams in a high-paced, quality-driven environment.
  • Skilled communicator, both orally and in writing, strong background in report writing – those with legal reasoning and writing skills and abilities will be given preference.
  • Demonstrated experience in organizational development, establishing and implementing operational policies and procedures.
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting performance management of both teams and individuals – those with experience in traditional, 360-degree and objective based performance management will be given preference.
  • Demonstrated experience in working with government bodies or international organizations engaged in justice sector reform – those with experience in vetting and/or integrity checks will be given preference.
  • University degree in law is preferred – those with degrees in other fields still relevant to the job tasks and responsibilities may be considered.
  • Fluency in English and Romanian is required – those who also have Russian language skills will be given preference.

Disqualifying factors:

  • Current or past work in the Moldovan prosecution system, in any role.
  • Status as a candidate prosecutor.
  • Status as a student at the NIJ.

Applicants are advised that job offers are contingent upon the following:

  • GSV receipt of a complete application packet as defined below.
  • Passing a background check conducted by the relevant Moldovan authorities.
  • GSV receipt of three positive professional reference checks (recommendation letters will not be accepted and should not be submitted)
  • Those offered employment may not engage in any other form of employment, consultancy, or other categories of work during the contract period.

To apply, qualified candidates must submit all of the following to: 

  • A current CV in ENGLISH.
  • A cover letter in ENGLISH that defines how you meet the minimum requirements.
  • A list of three professional references including name, position title, organization, mobile number, email address and relationship to the candidate. Please note that reference letters will not be considered.
  • A declaration, In ENGLISH stating the applicant has no family or close personal contacts that have worked, or are currently working, within the prosecutorial system in any role OR a listing of the family members and close personal contacts that have worked, or are working, in the prosecutorial system.
  • A copy of the national ID and/or passport photo page.
  • Completion of the consent to background check form provided below.

Consimțământul pentru controlul de fond/ a antecedentelor

Subsemnatul/Subsemnata, confirm că am aplicat la Secretariatul Pre-Vetting/ de Evaluare  a Procurorilor și confirm că candidatura mea este supusă unei verificări a antecedentelor şi a integrităţii financiare efectuată de autorităţile competente din Republica Moldova, care se extinde şi asupra soţului/soţiei şi a rudelor/afinilor de gradul I. Furnizarea detaliilor mele personale, copiei buletinului meu de identitate/pașaportului, CV-ului și semnătura de mai jos servesc drept consimțământ pentru ca toate datele mele cu caracter personal, ale soţului/soţiei şi a rudelor/afinilor de gradul I să fie evaluate și analizate fără limitare de către autorităţile competente, în vederea finalizării verificării antecedentelor şi a integrităţii financiare. Adițional eu inteleg că la accesarea datelor mele, informația referitoare la membrii imediați ai familiei mele de asemenea va fi accesată.

Eu înțeleg că rezultatele verificărilor de antecedente ale autorităților naționale vor fi transmise întregii Comisii și lui Anne M. Trice, director superior în cadrul Dexis Consulting Group, în calitatea sa de representant al angajatorului pentru poziția la care am aplicat.  De asemenea, confirm că parte a consimțământului meu sunt atașate următoarele:

 __XX_ Copia pe fața și verso a buletinului meu de identitate/ pașaportului

__XX_ CV-ul current, cu indicarea tuturor locurilor de muncă și studiilor anterioare. 

Consent to Background / Clearance Check

I, confirm that I have applied to the Pre-Vetting / Prosecutorial Vetting Secretariat and acknowledge that my candidacy is subject to a background / clearance check conducted by the competent authorities from the Republic of Moldova. Provision of my personal details, copy of my ID card/ passport, CV, and signature below serve as my consent to have all of my personal data, of the spouse and first degree relatives, without limitation, accessed and analyzed by the competent authorities, in order to complete the required pre-employment background/clearance check I further understand that in accessing my data, data related to my immediate family members will also be accessed.

I understand that the results of the national authorities’ background checks will be transmitted to the full Commission and to Anne M. Trice, Senior Director within Dexis Consulting Group, in her capacity as employer representative for the position to which I applied. I further confirm that the following are attached here as part of my consent:

__XX_ Copy of the photo page of my ID card/ passport. 

__XX_ Current CV showing all past employment and education. 

Nume (tipărit)/Name (printed):

Nume de familie (tipărit)/ Surname (printed):

Numărul național de identificare sau numărul pașaportului / National ID number or passport number:




Semnat la (introduceți data)/Signed of (enter date):





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