Expertise France is looking for a Grant officer

Expertise France is the French public agency for international cooperation, designing and implementing projects to contribute to the sustainable development of partner countries, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda and France's external action priorities.

EU4Innovation East is an EU-funded regional project (Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Ukraine) implemented by Expertise France with a duration of 4 years. The overall objective is to strengthen the innovation ecosystems of Eastern Partnership countries, focusing on enhancing the maturity and sustainability of the startup ecosystem, promoting convergence with the EU market and startup ecosystems, and providing targeted support to Ukraine's digital tech sector.

To complete its team based in Chisinau, Expertise France is looking to recruit one Grant officer:

More details on the following link:


Alte articole de la acest autor:

Banner Audit Juridic CICO 300 x 250 px 2


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