[Embassy of Japan] Employment Opportunity – Political Assistant

The Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Moldova is seeking a qualified individual for the position of a political assistant. Please see the description of the vacancy below:

1. Post offered

  • Local assistant for political affairs

2. Main responsibilities

  • reporting and providing analysis on political developments of Moldova
  • maintaining contacts with relevant domestic and international organizations
  • translation and interpretation of Romanian and Russian language into English
  • attending meetings organized by Moldovan authorities and international organizations

3. Qualifications and requirements

  • citizenship of the Republic of Moldova
  • bachelor’s degree or higher in political science, international relations or other relevant fields
  • fluency in English, Romanian and Russian (to be tested)
  • previous work experience in a similar position would be an advantage

4. Terms and conditions

  • starting date of work: 1 October 2024
  • working hours: 9:00 am – 5:45 pm, Monday through Friday
  • observance of the Moldovan and some Japanese public holidays
  • the gross monthly salary is expected to be in a range between 900 and 1500 USD (depending on relevant experiences)

5. Applications

  • applicants are requested to download the Application Form, fill it out in English and send it back to: japan.chisinau@ci.mofa.go.jp by e-mail by 29 August 2024.
  • please, enclose an electronic file of your passport-type photo and a letter of motivation (up to one page).
  • any documents submitted to the Embassy in the course of this application procedure will not be returned.


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