Junior expert in Energy Policy and Renewable Energy Systems in Moldova (M/W)

Junior expert in Energy Policy and Renewable Energy Systems in Moldova (M/W)

Département Développement durable - DD > Pôle Energie
Published on : 2024/04/19


Mission description

Expertise France is recruiting a local Junior expert in Energy policies and Renewable Energy Systems. The expert shall be located in Moldova and familiar with the Moldovan energy sector to support the implementation activities related to the Technical Assistance (TA) provided by Expertise France via the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) established for this purpose. The expert will be a staff member of the PIU and specifically responsible for supporting the development and implementation of all TA activities targeting renewable energy objectives of Moldova. The main role of the Junior expert in Energy policies and Renewable Energy Systems will be to contribute to the advance of renewable energy policies in Moldova and implementation of all renewable energy related project activities and the attainment of the respective work plan deliverables and outcomes, including those related to policy reform measures, which will be supported directly by the TA. The junior expert shall support the process of energy policy drafting aiming at ensuring compliance with the EU acquis on renewable energy and its implementation. In providing the support, the expert will engage in direct communication and maintain day-to-day contact with relevant counterparts and, if required, will ensure the necessary physical presence in stakeholder institutions to support the activities and facilitate implementation activities.

He/She will work under the supervision of the Expertise France Team leader in Moldova and the Senior expert in EU Energy policies and Renewable Energy Systems, within the framework of the Technical Assistance Program granted to the Moldovan Authorities as indicated below in the project and context description.

Project or context description

The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) has launched a program of Technical Assistance (TA) to support the Moldovan Government in continuing the energy reform. Expertise France (EF), the French public agency for international technical assistance, was entrusted by the AFD with the implementation of the project. As part of several commitments undertaken by Moldova in pursuit of its accession to the European Union, the country is engaged in an in-depth reform of its energy sector, including operational, financial and structural aspects. The Technical Assistance (TA) aims at supporting the Ministry of Energy for the development of a modern legal framework with a special focus on supporting and strengthening the Public Institution National Centre for Sustainable Energy (NCSE). Close analysis of the Ministry of Energy and NCSE has concluded that one of the first and primary needs of these institutions is to build the staff capacities to ensure Moldovan institutions to perform their duties and responsibilities.

To support the Ministry of Energy and NCSE to carry out their responsibilities, one of the priorities of the TA will be to continue increasing their capacities and skills to be able to implement the energy transition in Moldova. The objectives of this transition are to boost energy efficiency, increase the share of renewable energy sources in the total final energy consumption, strengthen the liability of the energy supply, enhance the energy sector resilience and enhance the legal framework linked to climate changes actions. These objectives can be achieved via consistent planning, efficient coordination and effective implementation of activities, as well as capacity building of all actors from the energy sector.

As part of several commitments undertaken by Moldova in pursuit of its accession to the European Union, the country is engaged in an in-depth reform of its energy sector, with a focus on reforms in energy infrastructure, energy efficiency, renewable energy, consumer protection, environment and climate change. These reform endeavors were jointly developed in the form of Policy Reform Measures (PRMs) contained in a Roadmap attached to a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the AFD and the Government of the Republic of Moldova, represented by the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Labour and Social Protection. The PRMs are to be implemented during an agreed period of time by the Moldovan authorities with the support of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) via the Expertise France.

Energy efficiency and renewable energy pillars, as part of the energy sector sustainable development strategic objective, ranks highly in the list of priorities of the energy sector policy of the Moldovan government. Hence, the main activities of the project will be dedicated to supporting the Ministry of Energy and the Public Institution National Centre for Sustainable Energy (NCSE).

In this framework, the expert tasks will be as follows:

  •         Support the implementation of all renewable energy related project activities and the attainment of the respective work plan deliverables and outcomes;
  •           Participate in the process of energy policy drafting, aiming at ensuring compliance with the EU acquis on renewable energy;
  •           Participate in drafting and implementation of the NCSE annual action plans;
  •         Support the expansion of the stakeholder’ activities related to the promotion of renewable energy in different sectors;
  •          Participate in the development of new pieces and amendment of the existing secondary legislation related to renewable energy;
  •           Engage in direct communication and maintain day-to-day contact with relevant counterparts and, if required, will ensure the necessary physical presence in stakeholder institutions to support the activities and facilitate implementation activities.

Required profile

  • Master's degree in the above mentioned fields (Energy, RES, Energy Policies etc.);
  • At least 3 years of experience in the energy sector in Moldova, more particularly in the electricity and renewable energy sectors;
  • Experience in energy policy development and implementation is an asset;
  • Autonomy and impartiality;
  • Communication, analytical, drafting and reporting skills;
  • Fluency in Romanian and English is required (French and Russian are an asset).

Additional information

  • Location: Moldova
  • Starting date: as soon as possible, to be agreed with the successful candidate:
  • Duration of the project: 54 months
  • Type of contract: Long-term expert contract (Salary portage)

Deadline for application : 2024/06/30 23:55

To apply, please, folow the link: https://expertise-france.gestmax.fr/11080/1/junior-expert-in-energy-policy-and-renewable-energy-systems-h-f/en_US

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