
For non-NRC staff contracted by the ICLA and Livelihood Programme in NRC Moldova (North raions based in Ocnita NCC) 2024


For non-NRC staff contracted by the ICLA and Livelihood Programme in NRC Moldova

(North raions based in Ocnita NCC) 2024


The responsibilities of the incentive workers are as follows:

  • Collect data, through specialised surveys, on legal and livelihood needs of displaced people from Ukraine residing in Moldova.
  • Disseminate generic information to displaced people from Ukraine and vulnerable host communities on NRC main services.
  • Distribute flyers, brochures, and printed materials.
  • Conduct outreach activities to displaced people from Ukraine and vulnerable host community members.
  • Gather information on the main displaced people from Ukraine needs and reflect that on relevant NRC tools.
  • Assist NRC staff to organise group sessions and outreach visits and facilitate community mobilisation.
  • Identify urgent cases for inter or intra-agency referrals. Identify the main legal and livelihoods issues and protection gaps faced by the displaced people from Ukraine in Moldova.
  • Provide regular information to NRC team on specific protection and legal challenges that displaced people from Ukraine in their communities are facing.
  • Conduct any other relevant task assigned by the supervisor.

The contract period is until 31.12.2024.

The location: Ocnita city, Republic of Moldova

Please note that only applications completed by entering the LINK below will be processed.

 The registration will be available until 27.05.2024 (inclusive).

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