Local Consultant to Support Implementation of Remote Interpretation Services in Court Proceedings

 Local Consultant to Support Implementation of Remote Interpretation Services in Court Proceedings 

A. Background

The Model Court Initiative (MCI or the Project) is a six-year (January 2021- January 2027) USAID-funded Task Order 1 under the Moldova Effective Justice indefinite quantity contract, implemented by Dexis Consulting Group (“Dexis”). To foster an efficient, accessible, and transparent justice system that uniformly applies the rule of law, MCI works to improve the performance of courts in delivering quality justice services and to enhance the connection between courts, communities, and system users. MCI has two primary objectives: 1) selected Moldovan courts identified and supported through targeted assistance to improve functioning and services to gain model court status, and 2) supplementary national level assistance provided in key areas necessary for changes to enhance court improvement at the individual level, including but not limited to support to the newly created Superior Council of Magistracy, the new Supreme Court of Justice, and other key legal actors in Moldova.

As part of the planned activities, MCI aims to support the Agency for Court Administration (ACA) in implementing the Objective 3.3, Specific Objective 3.3.10 of the Ministry of Justice Strategy to ensure the independence and integrity of the justice sector for 2022-2025 to create a mechanism for the provision of interpretation services in court hearings through videoconferencing.

The expected outcome of MCI support is the enhanced access of court users to quality interpretation services through videoconferencing and addressing the insufficient number of interpreters in foreign languages in courts, particularly for interpreting rare languages. This initiative will reduce the time needed for court case examination and will contribute to savings in the state budget.

Therefore, MCI proposes engaging a local consultant who will support ACA’s efforts in designing a concept for implementing remote interpretation services in courts through videoconferencing and collaborate with ACA to establish and implement concrete steps for the provision of remote interpretation services during court hearings.

B. Assignment

The goal of the assignment is to support ACA in ensuring that court cases are examined promptly when interpretation services are required, particularly for rare languages, while minimizing expenses associated with the interpretation services needed for court parties.

The main objectives of the assignment are:

  • To design a concept for implementing remote interpretation services in courts through videoconferencing.
  • To draft amendments to the existing national legislation and develop new regulatory framework to ensure provision of the remote interpretation services in courts.
  • To ensure efficient and effective communication for courtroom participants requiring interpretation, especially for rare languages, thereby streamlining the case examination process via videoconferencing.

C. Tasks and Activities

The local consultant’s tasks and responsibilities within this assignment will be focused on the following intervention areas:

  • Review and analyze the existing documentation provided by MCI and ACA including, but not limited to laws and regulations, technical documentation, and other relevant documents.
  • Collaborate with MCI and ACA to develop a work plan outlining activities, milestones, and final deadlines that will guide the process of developing the deliverables.
  • Develop and implement, if necessary, an assessment methodology and tools to gather information and evaluate the necessity of remote interpretation services in courts (e.g. interviews, surveys, focus groups etc.), particularly for rare languages, to meet the needs of court participants.
  • Meet with MCI, ACA representatives, as well as other entities identified by MCI, to gather existing information and documents related to implementation of remote interpretation services in court proceedings for developing the contract deliverables.
  • Develop a draft Concept on implementation of remote interpretation services in court proceedings.
  • Present the developed draft Concept to MCI representatives and other institutional partners, addressing any questions about the concept's content, conclusions and recommendations.
  • Draft regulatory changes to the existing legal framework and develop a new set of legal provisions to ensure the implementation of remote interpretation services within court proceedings.
  • Incorporate MCI's feedback on the first draft of the contract deliverables and produce their final version.

C. Requirements for the development of the Concept on implementation of remote interpretation services in court proceedings

The Concept on implementation of remote interpretation services in court proceedings is required to comprise, at a minimum, the following aspects:

  • Purpose, objectives and benefits of the initiative.
  • Analysis of existing interpretation needs in courts, particularly for rare languages.
  • Presentation of recently adopted national legislation relevant to the use of videoconferencing in courts.
  • Necessary changes and developments in the domestic regulatory framework.
  • Compatibility of the proposed regulatory provisions with relevant human rights standards.
  • Practice of other EU states in the matter of remote interpretation in courts.
  • Assessment of options for integrating remote interpretation services into the competences of government institutions and the recommended approach.
  • Description of the organizational structure of the new entity established to provide remote interpretation services in courts.
  • Interpretation services to be offered and collaboration with the relevant authorities requiring interpretation services.
  • Procedural requirement for interpreters during remote court proceedings.
  • Technical infrastructure and other necessary resources for implementation of remote interpretation services in courts.
  • Requirements related to data security and privacy for the implementation of remote interpretation services in courts.
  • Quality assurance plan for provision of remote interpretation services.
  • Required resources and budget for provision of remote interpretation services.
  • Concept implementation action plan and risk assessment.
  • Conclusions and recommendation.

E. Deliverables

The contracted Consultant will submit the following deliverables, which will be approved by the MCI Chief of Party:

  1. Work plan that will guide the process of developing the deliverables based on the contract.
  2. Methodology and tools for data collection and analysis of the needs for interpretation services in courts, especially for rare languages (to be confirmed by MCI).
  3. Outline of the Concept on implementation of remote interpretation services in court proceedings.
  4. Concept on implementation of remote interpretation services in court proceedings.
  5. Consultation meetings with MCI institutional partners and presentation of the draft Concept.
  6. Draft legal amendments to existing legislation to facilitate the implementation of remote interpretation services in court proceedings.
  7. Secondary legal provisions developed based on existing primary legal framework for the implementation of remote interpretation services in courts.
  8. Other tasks mutually agreed upon, according to paragraph ‘C’ and ‘D’ above.
  9. Monthly Consultant’s reports containing the description of Consultant’s activities (maximum 3 pages long, not including supporting documents/annexes) due by the end of each month in which services were provided under the contract.

The deliverables shall be provided to the MCI Chief of Party or a designated MCI staff member.

All deliverables must be submitted in Romanian and/or English, at MCI request.

F. Level of Effort

The anticipated total level of effort of this consultancy is maximum 60 days. The consultant shall not exceed the anticipated total level of effort without prior written approval from the Dexis Governance Division. The authorized work week is five (5) days per week, eight (8) hours per day. The Consultant will submit individualized monthly timesheets, recording hours worked.

G. Location and Period of Assignment

The Consultant will carry out the work both off-site and on-site, in accordance with the number of days listed above. The estimated period of performance is April 15, 2024 – December 31, 2024.

The estimated period of consultancy can be extended should consultancy services be needed beyond the initial period.

H. Travel

The Consultant is expected to travel to the location of MCI, ACA and other entities from Moldova identified by MCI, if necessary. Transportation services will be covered by the Consultant. The travel time will be considered work time.

Minimum Qualifications

The Consultant will meet the following criteria:


  1. Master degree in law, human rights or other relevant subject areas.
  2. At least 10 years of professional experience in the area of law, particularly in areas related to court operations and legislation drafting.
  3. Ability to plan, organize, implement and report on performed work.
  4. Have analytical skills, including the ability to analyze complex legal issues, assess regulatory implications, and propose practical solutions.
  5. Have abilities to conduct comprehensive legal research, stay abreast of relevant legislation, and incorporate findings into contract deliverables.
  6. Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Romanian and English to articulate concepts, present proposals, and engage with MCI and MCI stakeholders effectively.
  7. Previous experience working for a judicial body or state institutions form justice sector in Moldova would be an advantage.
  8. Familiarity with interpretation services, including remote interpretation technologies, standards, and best practices would be an advantage.
  9. Previous experience working for a donor-funded project in Moldova would be an advantage.

How to Apply: 

Qualified applicants should submit a cover letter highlighting relevant experience and a current CV to: moldova@dexisonline.com by March 15, 2024, and should note “Local Consultant to Support Implementation of Remote Interpretation Services in Court Proceedings” in the email subject line. This position is open to Moldovan citizens only.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

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