Project Assistant Job at the American Chamber of Commerce

The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham Moldova) is a leading business association pursuing the mission of promoting American, foreign, and local investments in the Republic of Moldova and collaborating with the Moldovan Government for the development of a more favorable business climate in Moldova. Currently, members of AmCham Moldova are more than 160 companies with American, foreign, and local investments operating in different sectors of the national economy.

Job Responsibilities/Duties:

  • Provide support to the Project Managers
  • Assemble, process, and analyze information for projects
  • Work effectively and collaboratively with various projects stakeholders
  • Maintain contacts as appropriate with partners and other external organizations
  • Work with other AmCham staff responsible for other lines of AmCham services (e.g. business networking, member services, and investment attraction)
  • Other duties to be assigned by the Executive Director and Project Managers

Required Qualification/Skills:

  • University degree (s) (legal or economic background)
  • Fluency in English, Romanian
  • Firm interest in the policy process
  • Determination to explore issues thoroughly
  • Analytical thinking
  • Good organizational skills
  • Ability to work well as part of a team
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • High level of motivation and initiative

To apply, submit your CV and the contact details of a reference person (professional or academic) to with the title „Project Assistant”.

Application Deadline: February 11, COB.

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