Site Support Officer (part time) Otaci

Site Support Officer (part time)


Location: Otaci, Moldova

Duty Station: Chisinau, Moldova

Reports to: Project Manager (WASH)


Overall purpose of the role:
The primary objective of the Site Support Officer’s role within the Terms of Reference (ToR) designed by Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is to provide  that the site support activities at the bus station (humanitarian one stop) in Otaci set up by the Moldovan authorities,  United Nations Agencies and Danish Refugee Council (DRC) are implemented in the accountable and quality manner in order to facilitate the reception and movement of Ukrainian refugees in transit in the country. The site support activities will be realised under the supervision of the DRC (Water and Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Project Manager. 


Responsibilities of the Site Support Officer will encompass the following tasks:

Stock Management:

- The Site Officer is responsible for the management of the DRC’s humanitarian Non-Food Items (NFI) stock on the site – border crossing Otaci.

- He/she manages the entry and release of NFIs according to established procedures, reporting directly to the Project Manager (WASH).

Distribution of Non-Food Items:

-   Based on the needs and requests from the site management with the approval of Project Manager (WASH), the Site Support Officer is in charge to distribute Non-Food Items. In this regard and in accordance with the internal procedures of DRC, he/she will fill out and collect the signatures of  the documents relating to the distribution and/or donation of non-food items.

Monitor and oversee the conditions of sanitary installations (WASH containers) on the site:

- On a daily basis, the Site Support Officer will control the good functioning and used of the WASH facilities (containers) and inform the Project Manager (WASH) on the regular status, as well as on extraordinary actions and needs, incl. those of maintenance of structures, increase inflow of population to access the units, additional demands, etc.

Collect of data:

- At the site level, the Site Support Officer will collect data about the users of the WASH facilities and more generally, about the number of bus station users, incl. inflows on an ad hoc request/ daily basis/at regular intervals.


- At the site level, the Site Support Officer will be attending the weekly meeting managed by the site management and report to the Project Manager (WASH) and Protection Manager.

- Be available for consultations with the project management, donor community and national & local counterparts during the exercise roll out.

- Perform other tasks at deemed relevant for the specific response on the site and/or wider DRC response in the area. 


Qualifications and experiences required 

-    High school degree /College (desired) at organizational sciences, civil engineering, environmental, social sciences and other related fields.

-    Minimum one year of experience in the domain relevant to Terms of References;

-    Ability to work in a multicultural, multi-ethnic environment;

-    Strong interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to work well as part of a multi-functional team;Commitment to humanitarian core values of care, respect, integrity, transparency and accountability;

-    Solid written and oral communication skills and excellent attention to details;

-    Experience working in the UN and/or INGO, LCSO an asset;

-    Computer literacy (Microsoft Office);

-    Driving licence and active involvement in driving actions.



  • High school degree /College (desired) at organizational sciences, civil engineering, environmental, social sciences and other related fields.


-    Fluency in Romanian required;

-    Fluency in English desired;

-    Familiarity with Ukrainian desired;

-    Familiarity with Russian desired.


Length of contract: 1 month (January 2024, with the possibility for extension)

Closing day of application: January 3, 2024

Start Date: January 5, 2024


Application Process:

All applicants must upload a cover letter and an updated CV in English. 

Applications sent by email  will not be considered.

Closing date for applications: January 3rd, 2024.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and we, therefore, encourage you to apply as soon as possible.

For further information about the Danish Refugee Council, please consult our website






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