English Teacher for the staff

Position: English Teacher for the staff

Duty Station: Chisinau

INTERSOS is a humanitarian organization working on the protection of Ukrainian refugee at Chisinau and other Regions around the country.

All INTERSOS employees are expected to perform their roles and responsibilities according to the INTERSOS charter of values, code of ethics, PSEA and Child Protection policies.


  • Effective in teaching;
  • Good communication skills;
  • Experience in teaching the English language minimum 5 years;
  • Good knowledge of Romanian. Ukrainian and Russian languages will be an asset;
  • Able to design and perform educational material;
  • Friendly;
  • Flexible with working hours to match the working schedule of the staff;
  • Good level of planning and organizing;
  • Humanitarian motivation and commitment to INTERSOS values;
  • Respect of INTERSOS policies and procedures;
  • Preferable: Certified teacher.

Working conditions: Part Time position (12 h/week)


  • Understand the needs/interest of the staff to learn the English language;
  • Assess the level of class/classes to be created;
  • Assign staff to relevant levels;
  • Design the educational method;
  • Provide staff with educational material;
  • Conduct the lessons to the staff;
  • Provide monthly progress report to the supervisor.

We provide:

  • Decent salary;
  • Classroom;
  • Technical suppot;
  • Support of the supervisor;
  • Stationery supplies;
  • Groups of 5-10 pupils.

Interested candidates are invited to apply the CV's on recruitment.moldova@intersos.org.

By applying your CV, you consent to the processing of your personal data.

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