
USAID MISRA is hiring a Communications and Visibility Specialist

USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity Program (MISRA)



Position:             Communications and Visibility Specialist  

Program:          USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity Program (MISRA) 

Location:           Chisinau, Moldova 

Period:               April 2022 – April 2027 

Nathan Associates Inc. is a private international economic and analytics consulting firm that works with government and commercial clients around the globe to deliver practical solutions and achieve lasting results. Whether building frameworks for economic growth or navigating regulatory hurdles, securing infrastructure financing or evaluating and assessing disputes, Nathan’s experts serve as trusted partners, offering clients the analysis, technical advice, and strategies they need for sound decision-making. Known for both technical and service excellence, Nathan has corporate offices in the US, UK, and India and more than 25 program offices around the world. 

Project Background: 

The USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) seeks to support Moldova’s economic recovery, advance the Government of Moldova’s economic action plan, strengthen public economic governance institutions, improve the trade and investment enabling environment, and accelerate financial sector reforms and inclusiveness. These activities include active engagement with government counterparts, local business and organizations, and the financial sector to facilitate public-private dialogue and strategic communications. 

Responsibilities and Tasks 

The Communications and Visibility Specialist will be responsible for, but not limited to, the following: 

Specific tasks:

  • Support the design and implementation of the communications and outreach strategy of the Program at community and national levels;
  • Provide input in designing and implementation of major communications action plans, specific outreach campaigns, production and content updating of major Program communications channels and materials (printed, online, social media);
  • Establish meaningful partnerships with mass-media, at the local and national levels;
  • Document best practices (via articles, success stories, interviews, press releases, etc.) and ensure wide dissemination and visibility of project achievements in the national media as well as in the local and regional media/websites;
  • Monitor media coverage and provide summaries on main messages covered by the media;
  • Draft press-releases, and compile and update the media kit;
  • Draft and design texts, graphics, and visuals for Program communications;
  • Ensure photo coverage, audio, and video recording of major Program events (when appropriate);
  • Provide inputs to annual work plans, quarterly and annual reports and eventual modifications if needed;
  • Plan for, and support short-term technical assistance related to this scope of work;
  • Undertake other tasks as assigned by the Strategic Communications Team lead or COP.


The Communications Outreach Specialist will report to the Component 4 Lead (Strategic Communications).


Skills and Qualifications: 

  • Minimum of a bachelor’s degree in communications, marketing, public relations, journalism, or a related fieldto the Program (economics, finance, business studies)
  • Approximately five years of professional experience in media, communications, marketing, journalism or public relations preferred
  • Demonstrated knowledge on effective use of social media, including Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook, etc.
  • The capacity to interact effectively with leaders of government, local businesses, civil society organizations, and universities, etc.
  • Basic photography and graphic design skills would be an advantage
  • Computer skills, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and management of social media, etc.
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Excellent interpersonal and teamwork skills
  • Fluency in English and Romanian, written and spoken.
  • Experience working with USAID and/or other international donors preferred.

How to apply:  

Please send a cover letter (up to one page), CV (up to three pages) and a short selection of materials (links to articles, photos, graphics, campaigns managed, communications strategies/plans, etc.) to with “Communications and Visibility Specialist” in the subject line.  

The deadline for applying is May 17, 2023. The position will remain open until filled. 

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