IOM Moldova: RFQ-MD004-25 - Training on project management and digital product management

International Organization for Migration kindly requests your quotation for the provision of the Training on project management and digital product management as described in the RFQ MD004-25 submission form.

RFQ Reference: RFQ-MD004-25

Within the framework of the EU funded project “Supporting protection, transit, repatriation and reintegration of affected eastern partnership citizens and vulnerable third country nationals in the eastern neighbourhood region affected by the conflict in Ukraine” (hereinafter, referred to as “the EU-funded IOM project”), IOM is supporting the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the General Inspectorate for Migration in the development of the new General Inspectorate of Migration Informational System – IS “Migratie”. The new system will implement a modern approach in running its internal activities based on international  best processes and standards and according to its legal responsibilities entrusted through the enacted legislation.

The objective of this initiative is the provision of a comprehensive training on project management and digital product management for the relevant personnel of the General Inspectorate for Migration, aligned to the specific needs of the national authority identified upon close coordination with it and the IOM.

Therefore, International Organization for Migration kindly requests your quotation for the provision of the services described in the RFQ submission form.

Deadline for the submission of quotation extended: 14 February 2025.

More details and related documents are available here:

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