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AmCham Moldova: Request for Offer for Conducting the Business Perception Market Research

1. AmCham Moldova announces its intention to contract a specialized company to conduct detailed market research on 400 national companies' perceptions regarding the interaction with public entities in selected areas.

2. Terms of Reference:

2.1. Study Objectives:

  • Collecting data regarding the perception of the business community’s interaction with selected public authorities, based on established models, such as the tax and customs survey.
  • Serve as input for a complex study on the business climate sentiment

 2.2. Key Research Elements:

  • The sample should represent 400 companies (300 nationally representative + 100 member companies of the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova), with a probabilistic proportional representative for the national sample.
  • Maximum number of questions – 30.
  • Respondents should be people who have a role in the company's decision-making processes (e.g., director, financial director, founder, etc.)
  • The most recommended would-be CATI.

 3. Deliverables:

  • Research Design.
  • Questionnaire pre-test report.
  • Questionnaire in the final version in English, Romanian, and Russian.
  • PowerPoint report with the study results in English.
  • Depersonalized database in Excel and/or SPSS format.

4. Project Timelines:

  • Deadline for proposal submission: January 29, 2024, 17:00.
  • Study completion and delivery timeline: up to 6 weeks from the signing of the contract.

5. Proposal Submission Procedure:

  •  All proposals must be sent electronically to the email address:
  • Email subject: "Proposal for Business Perception Market research - [Company/Expert Name]".
  • Contact details of the company representative and information regarding previous experience in the field.

6. Contact:

For any clarifications or additional questions, please contact Veronica Sireteanu – Deputy Director, AmCham Moldova at +37379269119

7. Additional Remarks:

  • AmCham Moldova reserves the right to negotiate contractual details with the selected company.
  • Evaluation of proposals will be based on competencies, experience, and financial proposal.

 Thank you for your interest!


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