Invitation for Bids for procurement of Information Systems (Design, Supply and Installation) for the Public Institution Real Estate Cadastre

The Public Institution Real Estate Cadastre within the Land Registration and Property Valuation Project invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for:

Lot1. Graphical Cadastral Database Modernization
Lot 2. Electronic Documents Management System


Lot 1. Graphical Cadastral Database Modernization

The main objective of the contract is modernization of the graphical database of the cadastre, managed by the Public Institution Real Estate Cadastre (PI Real Estate Cadastre) within the Agency for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre of the Republic of Moldova.
By the graphic database modernization, the PI Real Estate Cadastre aims to:

  • Ensure compatibility of cadastral graphical data with INSPIRE recommendations, as well as compliance with the regulatory framework of the Republic of Moldova.
  • Adapt the QGIS application for the processing of graphical information.
  • Migrate the graphical data existing in the DBMS PostgreSQL.
  • Optimize the process of storing and updating information in the Central Graphical Database.
  • Implement the control system for the creation/modification/deletion of textual and graphic cadastral information.

The contract implementation period is planned for 12 months. The warranty period will cover another 12 months.

Lot 2. Electronic Documents Management System

The digitization of cadastral documents and the implementation of SMAE AIS brought important benefits in terms of efficiency, transparency, reduction of expenses, increasing the quality of public services provided by the PI Real Estate Cadastre and significantly improving the cadastral information management process. However, "SMAE" AIS is outdated and no longer meets the current requirements. These issues show the urgency of modernizing the system to ensure optimal operation and align it with current security and performance standards.

The main objectives of this contract are:

  • Data migration from "SMAE" AIS to a more efficient and effective electronic document management system.
  • Implementation of all functionalities existing in the current system in the new infrastructure.
  • Reengineering and optimization of existing business processes, to adapt to the current requirements, and improve operational efficiency and the process of providing cadastral services.
  • The implementation of new functionalities that allow the integration of "SMAE" AIS with other platforms, thus facilitating the development of new electronic services.

The contract implementation period is planned for 12 months. The warranty period will cover another 12 months.

Bidders may Bid for one or several contracts, as further defined in the bidding document.

More details on the procedure and bidder qualifications can be found here

Deadline for submission: February 11, 2025


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