[Extended term] RFP: Development of Visual Identity, Brand Guidelines and Brand Toolkit

​​The selection of a specialized company for the development of a brand book and the visual identity of the "Moldova in EU" platform, intended to promote the image of the Republic of Moldova as a modern nation, aspiring to European integration and aligned with the values ​​of the European Union.

Request for bids: RFQN-INFLV-MD-014

https://sc.undp.md/media/tenders_images/clock.pngDate of publication of the ad:                                    November 7, 2024 ;

https://sc.undp.md/media/tenders_images/clock.pngThe deadline for the presentation of the file:             November 25, 2024 ; 12:00

Procurement Procedure: Rule of 3 Offers (RTO)

Selection based on quality and cost

Type of contract: Service contract



As part of the "Promotion of the European integration of the Republic of Moldova" project , the INFO LIVE Foundation, with the support of the Soros Moldova Foundation, aims to create a complete brandbook and visual elements to support the identity of the "Moldova in EU" platform. The purpose of this brandbook is to ensure a coherent and engaging visual identity to promote Moldova as a modern, determined and pro-European nation. The document will act as a reference guide for all communication materials, ensuring consistency and impact for government institutions, NGOs and international organizations.



The application file will include the technical and financial offer.

It will be submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Terms of Reference and in strict accordance with the procedure set out in the Instructions to Bidders.

The application file will be sent by e-mail to the following address: infolive@moldovain.eu 

Incomplete files will not be reviewed.

After sending the offers, please make sure that the offer has been received by the INFO LIVE Foundation in the form of a confirmation email. The Foundation is only responsible for confirmed bids.



For questions about the Terms of Reference and how to submit offers, please contact Dorin Rîșcanu, project coordinator, e-mail: dorin.riscanu @ moldovain.eu .

Clarification questions can be sent in written form to the e-mail address indicated above, until November 25 , 2024 at 5:00 p.m.



The application file will include the following documents:

Bids are submitted in accordance with the requirements and procedure provided in this Instruction for bidders, section: "How and where to submit the file".

When preparing the file, applicants will review the RFP in detail. The lack of certain information, essential for the execution of the contract, requested in the request for offer, may lead to the rejection of the proposal.

The offers, as well as all correspondence with the offeror, will be in Romanian or English.



The following deadlines apply to this RFP:



Request for quotation issued

November 13, 2024

Deadline for contractor inquiries

November 19 , 2024

Deadline for responses

November 20 , 2024

Deadline for the contractor's proposal

November 25, 2024; 12:00

Verification of compliance of offers with the request for offer

November 26, 2024;

Final selection of contractor

November 26, 2024

Contract start date

November 29, 2024



The application file will be sent electronically, by e-mail, to the following address: infolive@moldovain.eu 

Submission deadline: November 21, 2024; 12:00 .

The Foundation will not consider files submitted after the deadline.

When sending offers, please ensure that the following information is included in the email subject line:

  • Subject: RFQN-INFLV-MD-014_Name of bidder

After sending the file, please make sure that it has been received by the INFO LIVE Foundation in the form of a confirmation email. The Foundation is only responsible for confirmed files.

A bidder may withdraw, replace or modify the bid after it has been submitted at any time prior to the submission deadline by sending written notice to the INFO LIVE Foundation. The replaced or amended offer must be submitted with the notification.

All notices must be sent in accordance with the bid submission procedure, clearly marking them by adding the words "WITHDRAWAL" "REPLACEMENT" or "MODIFICATION" to the subject line of the e-mail.

Offers will be valid for 30 days from the moment of submission.



The technical offer (dated, signed and stamped by the offeror) will be presented in Romanian or English, based on Form A. The technical offer (available for download as a separate file) and will include:

  • Brand concept and creative vision : Example creative vision with optional preliminary mockups or mood boards that provide visual direction for elements such as logos, color palettes, typography, web page previews or other brand components, demonstrating the conceptual approach. They will include a concise description of the approach, including the proposed process for creating the brandbook, the main stages and the methodology.
  • Team Composition and Expertise : Outline of the team, together with a maximum of 3 CVs of the key experts involved, highlighting relevant experience in branding, design and strategic communication.
  • Previous performance and experience : Description of the company's previous projects with a similar area of activity, especially branding or national identity/national campaigns. Projects for governments or international organizations are preferred. Links to portfolio or references for similar projects completed in the last five years.
  • Regulatory documentation : Copy of the document confirming the legal registration of the bidding company.



The financial offer will include the amount requested in USD for the development of the brandbook, detailing the expected expenses.

The tenderer will use Form B. Financial offer (available on request).

The offer must be dated, signed and stamped by the offeror, then scanned and sent.

If there are insignificant arithmetical errors, they will be corrected by the foundation.

Prices will include all taxes in accordance with applicable law.



The evaluation of the received offers will be carried out on the basis of a balanced ratio between the quality of the technical offer and the competitiveness of the financial offer. Thus, the evaluation process will be structured in two main components: the technical offer and the financial offer.

1. The ratio between the financial and the technical offer

The evaluation of the offers will be based on the following weighting:

  • Technical offer : 70% of the total score:
  1. Brand Concept and Creative Vision : The originality and quality of the creative concept approach, including examples of visual simulations and mood boards, which provide direction for elements such as logos, color palettes, typography and web pages (40%);
  2. Company Experience and Portfolio : Demonstrated experience through previous projects, particularly in branding and national identity, with a preference for campaigns carried out for governments or international organizations (20%)
  3. Team Composition and Expertise : The composition of the team and the qualifications of the experts involved, the relevance of their experience in branding, design and strategic communication (10%)
  • Financial offer : 30% of the total score

Companies will be evaluated based on the competitiveness and clarity of the proposed costs for the delivery of the project in accordance with the requirements of the Terms of Reference.

2. The scores for each criterion in the technical offer

The evaluation of the technical offer will be carried out according to the following criteria, each having a maximum score assigned. The maximum total score for the technical offer is 70 points , distributed as follows:

1. Originality and relevance of the creative concept – 40% of the total score (maximum 40 points)

2. The company's experience and portfolio – 20% of the total score (maximum 20 points)

3. Team composition and expertise – 10% of the total score (maximum 10 points)

3. The method of converting the amounts from the financial offers into points

The evaluation of the financial offer will be based on a standardized formula, with a maximum score of 30 points . The financial offers will be compared using the cost-to-points method, so that the most competitive prices are favored.

Calculation formula for the financial offer:

Financial offer score = P fin max – (∑offer / K - ∆)


the offer : the amount proposed by the bidder in his financial offer;

max   : the highest amount proposed among all financial offers;

min : the lowest amount proposed among all financial offers;

P fin max : the maximum score for the financial offer (30 points);

K : price adjustment factor, calculated as follows:

K = (∑ max - ∑ min ) / P fine max

∆ : price adjustment factor, calculated as follows:

∆ = ∑ max / K – P fine max


Calculation example:

If we have the following financial offers:

max = 10,000 USD ,

min = $5,000,

The offer under review is $7,500

K is calculated :


is calculated :

∆= 10,000/166.6 - 30=30

$7,500 Finance Offer :

P fin max =30-(7,500/166.66-30)= 15 points

Thus, the $7,500 offer receives 15 points out of a maximum of 30 for the financial offer.

4. Final selection of offers

The final score of each offer will be calculated by adding up the score obtained from the technical evaluation (maximum 70 points) and the one obtained from the financial evaluation (maximum 30 points). The bid with the highest cumulative score will be declared the winner.



The bidder with the highest-scoring evaluated file will be declared the winner.

Based on the results of the contest, the INFO LIVE Foundation will sign a service contract with the company that submitted the winning bid. The contract will have legal effects starting from November 2024 and will end in February 2025 at the latest.

Payment for services will be made in accordance with the service contract. Payment terms will be negotiated and agreed upon by both parties. Payment will be made in Moldovan lei, by bank transfer.



The offers entered in the competition will contain, directly or indirectly, personal data. The INFO LIVE Foundation will ensure the confidentiality of personal data in the process of collecting, processing and storing them.



  • All potential or actual conflicts of interest must be declared;
  • No person should be in a position to decide his own case;
  • Self-dealing is prohibited.



INFO LIVE Foundation strictly enforces the zero tolerance policy for prohibited practices, including fraud, corruption, complicity, unethical or unprofessional practices, and obstruction of bidders. The Foundation requires all bidders to adhere to the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and contract implementation process.




The selection of a specialized company for the development of a brandbook and the visual identity of the "Moldova in EU" platform, intended to promote the image of the Republic of Moldova as a modern nation, aspiring to European integration and aligned with the values of the European Union.

Request for bids: RFQN-INFLV-MD-014

The project: "Promoting the European integration of the Republic of Moldova " , Grant Agreement no. No. G15271, financed by the Soros Foundation Moldova and implemented by the INFO LIVE Foundation

Project duration: November 2024 – February 2024




In December 2023, the European Council decided to open EU accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova, signaling at the same time that the country must intensify its efforts to strengthen its institutions and internal and external communication elements in order to advance its accession trajectory.

Recognizing the importance of joining the European Union as a national strategic objective, the need arose to strengthen efforts in terms of external communication and the creation of strategic alliances, thus ensuring a common effort to advance the integration process.

In the context of the opening of accession negotiations to the European Union for the Republic of Moldova, the focus is on promoting the country's image as a modern, ambitious country with an energetic and determined young generation, which is developing rapidly and finding its place in the European community.

The INFO LIVE Foundation implements a series of initiatives, among which is the development of a brand book and the visual identity of the "Moldova in EU" platform, intended to promote the image of the Republic of Moldova as a modern nation, aspiring to European integration and aligned with the values of the European Union.


Requirements for the MoldovaInEU Brandbook

1. Introduction:

Purpose of the Brandbook: The Brandbook will serve as an essential guide for all visual and communication elements of the MoldovaInEU campaign. It must ensure consistency across all media platforms and for all partners involved, from government bodies to civil society and international organisations. The purpose of the brand is to promote Moldova's identity as a modern, reform-oriented country, aligned with the values of the European Union.

2. Core Values and Brand Personality:

The story:

Moldova is a country undergoing positive transformation. Over the years, we have continuously developed, drawing on our history and rich cultural heritage to build a modern, dynamic and youthful nation. Despite the challenges, we remained resilient and optimistic. Moldova's road to European integration represents a new chapter in our story of progress. We are a country that values community, innovation and determination. Like our wine, we are maturing nicely, ready to take our place on the European stage.

Join us in writing the next chapter.

Brand Essence: If Estonia is "Positively Surprising" and Finland "Land of Solutions," Moldova's brand identity might resonate as "Defining Resilience" or "Courageous and Forward-Looking."

1. "Defining Resilience" reflects Moldova's strength in the face of geopolitical challenges and its determination to defend democratic values and pursue European integration. This wording strengthens the image of Moldova as a reliable future member of the EU, aligned with the principles of peace and unity.

2. "Courageous and Future-Oriented" speaks of Moldova's youthful energy, its transformative reforms and its aspirations for modernization and alignment with European values.

Brand Values: 4-6 core values that underpin all communication and visual elements. Examples:

  • Resilience and Determination: Despite external pressures and regional challenges, Moldova remains steadfast in its pursuit of democratic governance and European integration.
  • Unity in Diversity: As a multicultural nation, the diversity of Moldova's heritage strengthens its European identity, reflecting the EU's commitment to unity and the celebration of unique identities.
  • Young Ambition and Innovation: Moldova's youth are a vital force for its modern identity, demonstrating energy, adaptability and a forward-looking mindset.
  • Commitment to Peace and Stability: At a strategic crossroads, Moldova plays a crucial role in regional stability, underscoring its commitment to peace.

Tone of Voice:

  • Honest and Transparent: Reflecting Moldova's openness to its progress and reforms undertaken.
  • Optimistic and Future-Oriented: Emphasizing Moldova's future within the EU.
  • Human, Playful and Relatable: Creating accessible messages for a wide audience.

3. Elements of Visual Identity:

Logo Design:

  • Main Logo: The Agency must design a logo that represents the national identity of Moldova together with elements of the European Union.
  • Secondary Logos: Include variations for different usage contexts (monochrome, inverted, for small sizes).
  • Logo Usage Guidelines:
  • Clearance and minimum size requirements for optimal visibility.
  • Placement rules on various media such as print, digital and video.
  • Guidelines for co-branding situations with other brands, ensuring that MoldovaInEU remains prominent.

Color palette:

  • Primary Colors: Each color must be accompanied by PANTONE, CMYK, RGB and HEX codes for digital and typographic use.
  • Secondary Colors: Introduce secondary colors to complement the main palette, providing flexibility in various applications such as infographics or backgrounds.


  • Primary Font: The brand must use a modern, clear and accessible font that reflects the progressive identity of Moldova.
  • Secondary Font: A complementary font for body text and infographics.
  • Usage Guidelines: Examples of using typography for titles, subtitles and body text.

Imaging and Photography:

  • Photographic Style: The agency must define an authentic and honest photographic style that reflects the people, landscapes and development of Moldova.
  • Image Themes: Directions for images representing reforms, cultural heritage, and European identity.

Do's & Don'ts:

  • Do: Use vibrant images that highlight Moldova's progress.
  • Don't: Avoid generic and excessively processed photos that do not reflect the Moldovan context.

Application of Visual Identity:

Printed and Digital Materials:

  • Brochures, Guides and Reports: Provide templates for multi-page documents.
  • Presentation Templates: Create templates for official presentations of government organizations.

Website and Digital Media:

  • Website Design: The Brandbook must include guidelines for the design of the MoldovaInEU website, with a clean and friendly interface.
  • Social Media Assets: Defining the style for social media posts and announcements.

Co-branding with Partners:

  • Guidelines for Partnerships: Guidelines for using the brand in partnerships with EU institutions and international NGOs, ensuring that the identity of MoldovaInEU remains visible.

Brand Consistency and Maintenance:

  • Brand Management: The agency must propose a methodology for maintaining the integrity of the brand on all platforms.



  • Development of the creative concept and structure of the brandbook:

The company will create a unique concept and creative design to meet the objectives set for the MoldovaInEU campaign, emphasizing national identity and European values. The concept must convey the image of Moldova as a young, modern and progress-oriented nation that embraces democratic values and European aspirations.

  • Creating visual identity elements:

The company will deliver all necessary visual components, including logos, color palettes, typography, theme images and user guides. All visual materials must meet the highest quality standards and be compatible with the technical requirements of the MoldovaInEU project. The Brandbook will include templates for various communication formats (print, digital and social media).

  • Continuous collaboration with the INFO LIVE Foundation:

Throughout all stages of development, the company will work closely with the INFO LIVE Foundation team, presenting progress at regular intervals and adjusting materials based on feedback received. The company will ensure transparent and proactive communication to guarantee ongoing alignment with project objectives.

  • Compliance with delivery deadlines:

The company will adhere to the established schedule for the project and deliver the materials according to the agreed deadlines. Will ensure that the final brandbook and all associated materials are completed by the established deadline.

  • Quality and compliance assurance:

The company will guarantee a high level of quality for all deliverables, according to international branding and design standards and in line with the values promoted by the MoldovaInEU project. The delivered materials must be ethical, respect democratic values and be compatible with the European integration message of the Republic of Moldova.

  • Copyright and Licenses:

The Company will ensure that all materials used (logos, images, fonts and other media resources) are either original or used under appropriate license, thereby guaranteeing the transfer of copyright to the INFO LIVE Foundation for the use of the materials in the European Union and other regions.

  • Financial responsibility:

The company will be responsible for managing the project budget, ensuring transparency and compliance with established budget limits. The company will provide periodic financial reports, as required by the INFO LIVE Foundation, and demonstrate the efficient use of allocated resources.



1. The complete MoldovaInEU brandbook , which will contain all the necessary specifications and guidelines for the correct use of brand elements in various environments and contexts. The Brandbook will include detailed directions for applying the visual and communication identity, ensuring consistency and coherence in the promotion of the MoldovaInEU brand.

2. The MoldovaInEU logo and its variations , adapted for various formats and environments of use, including monochrome, inverted and for small sizes. The logo will reflect the synthesis of Moldova's national and European identity, offering a versatile and recognizable design.

3. Custom visual templates and layouts for communication materials, including brochures, guides, reports, presentations, and social media posts. These templates will facilitate uniform application of the visual identity across all distribution platforms, maintaining a consistent image.

4. Visual materials for the digital environment , including mock-ups and previews for web pages, which provide a clear representation of the MoldovaInEU interface in the online environment. This will include designs for web components (eg banners, buttons, interactive elements) in line with design guidelines and brand values, optimized for the digital experience.

5. High-quality images and photo style guides that reflect the essence of Moldova – its modernization, dynamic youth, reform and cultural richness. These images will be usable on various media




The project for the development of the brandbook and visual identity of the MoldovaInEU platform will take place over a period of 8-12 weeks, starting from the date of signing the contract with the selected company. The final delivery of the brandbook, together with all related materials, is planned for the end of February 2025.


The implementation stages are structured as follows:

  • Week 1-2: Conception and Planning
  • Defining the creative concept and essential design elements (logo, color palette, typography).
  • Preliminary discussions and initial approvals with the INFO LIVE Foundation team for alignment with the brand vision.
  • Week 3-5: Development of Visual Elements
  • Creating the logo design and its variations, establishing the color palette and typography.
  • Development of mock-ups and previews for the digital component, including web pages and social media materials.
  • Week 6-8: Presentation of an MVP (Initial Launch Package)
  • Creation and presentation of an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) , which will include the critical elements for an initial launch (soft launch) of the MoldovaInEU campaign.
  • The MVP package will include:
  • The completed logo and its adapted versions for various uses.
  • Color palette and primary typography.
  • Basic templates for social media posts, brochures and other essential communication materials.
  • Mock-ups and layouts for the main pages of the MoldovaInEU website.
  • MVP presentation meeting and feedback session with INFO LIVE Foundation team, ensuring MVP elements are aligned with brand direction and ready for partial release.
  • Week 9-10: Developing and Structuring the Brandbook
  • Integrating all visual elements into the final brandbook document, which will also include detailed templates for print and digital communication materials (brochures, presentations, reports).
  • Week 11: Final Reviews and Feedback Implementation
  • Implementation of final feedback from the INFO LIVE Foundation and adjustment of visual materials for the final version of the brandbook.
  • Week 12: Final Delivery
  • Delivery of the complete brandbook and associated materials, including all source files, templates, mock-ups and materials for digital and print applications.




The bidding company must meet the following qualification and experience requirements:

1. Relevant Experience in Branding and Visual Identity Projects

  • Proven experience in creating brandbooks and visual identities for national or international campaigns, preferably for government projects or international organizations.
  • Demonstrated portfolio including at least 3 similar projects in the last 5 years with clear examples of branding and visual identity implemented.

2. Expertise and Team Composition

  • The team must include professionals with experience in branding, graphic design, communication strategy and visual development. CVs of up to 3 key team members must reflect relevant skills and experience.

3. Capacity and Resources for Implementation

  • The company must demonstrate the ability to deliver within established deadlines and ensure effective implementation of all project activities and deliverables.


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