Moldovan Christian Aid invites proposals from Audit Companies to provide the project’s annual financial audit

Call for proposals (TRN241411) : Project Audit

Project name:    Acting together! Local community engagement protects older people from poverty and loneliness.

Project implementors:  Diakonie ACT Austria and Moldovan Christian Aid

Donors:  Austrian Development Agency (ADA), Bread for the World Germany (BfdWG), Diakonie ACT Austria.

Assignment Name: Project’s annual financial audit (Expenditure verifications)

Moldovan Christian Aid invites proposals from Audit Companies to provide the project’s annual financial audit (expenditure verifications) based on the requirements presented below:

  1. Scope and time schedule of AUDIT (Expenditure verification)

Carrying out annual financial audits (Expenditure verifications) of the project for the following periods:

Annual Financial Audit 1: 01.10.2023 – 30.09.2024

Annual Financial Audit 2: 01.10.2024 – 30.09.2025

Annual Financial Audit 3: 01.10.2025 – 30.09.2026

A draft of the audited report should be delivered to Moldovan Christian Aid electronically per e-mail on 10.11.2024 for the first year, on 10.11.2025 for the second year and on 10.11.2026 for the third year at the latest.

Any open questions can be addressed to the auditor within 15 calendar days after sending the draft of the final report. After a period of clarification of 10 days a final version of the audited report has to be completed and forwarded to of Moldovan Christian Aid and the Diakonie ACT Austria electronically. Furthermore, Diakonie ACT Austria has to receive 3 hard copies of the audit report.

The overall implementation period is 36 months and the project shall be completed latest in September 2026. The total direct costs to be audited (over three years) amount to EUR 409.100 (costs for auditing excluded). Each audited report has to show the total annual project costs.

The audited report shall be submitted in English.

Note: The period to be covered by the final audit and the dates for submission may be amended in case of an extension of the project duration.

Terms of Reference for the Expenditure verification could be downloaded from the following link: 2024_ToR Auditor ADA_MCA.pdf

  1. Qualification requirements and evaluation criteria

The Auditor must meet at least one of the following conditions:

  • The Auditor is a member of a national accounting or auditing body or institution which in turn is a member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).
  • The Auditor is a member of a national accounting or auditing body or institution. Although this organisation is not a member of the IFAC, the Auditor commits himself/herself to undertake this Engagement in accordance with the IFAC standards and ethics.
  • The auditor must not have been involved in the MCA’s accounting and must not be personally connected in any way with the organization being audited.

Additionally it must meet the following conditions:

  • The Auditor must have at least 5 years’ general experience in auditing and experience in financial audits performed for NGOs, funded by international and national organizations
  • The Auditor will employ staff with appropriate professional qualifications and suitable experience with IFAC standards and with experience in verifying financial information of projects comparable in size and complexity to the project subject to the expenditure verification.
  • The Auditor must have sufficient knowledge of relevant laws, regulations and rules in the countries concerned i.e. where the project is implemented. This includes but is not limited to the company law, taxation, social security and labour regulations, accounting and reporting.
  • The Auditor will provide the Grant Recipient with CVs of the staff/experts involved in the expenditure verification. The CVs will include appropriate details for the purpose of the evaluation of the offer on the relevant specific experience for this expenditure verification and the qualifying work carried out in the past.
  • Knowledge of English is a mandatory condition, as the report should be presented in English.
  1. Offer structure

Interested auditors are requested to send an Offer no later than 27 September 2024 to MCA.

It should include:

  1. Name of the company, address, contact person and phone number;
  2. Copy of the license for the audit activities;
  3. Description of the company and arguments for the opportunity of its selection;
  4. List of NGO’s for which the audit company carried out organizational audits during the last 3 years;
  5. Description of the qualification and CV of the members of the audit team;
  6. Financial offer.

The offer has to be submitted in English.

  1. Evaluation criteria

The Consulting Company’s bid will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

- Presentation of all documents indicated in Offer structure;

- The organization's experience in the field of audit, including in the specific field of public associations according to national and international standards (30%);

- Qualifications of the audit team that will perform the audit (20%);

- The required price (maximum 50%).

  1. Submission of the offers:

The deadline for the submission of the offers: 27 September 2024

The offers must be submitted by e-mail to the address  with the statement “TRN241411 Project Audit”.

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