Social Media Videographer, Moldova

Social Media Videographer, Moldova

Call for Applications

The Institute for War & Peace Reporting (IWPR) is looking for social media videographers based in Moldova to create a beneficiary video story.

Individual applicants with experience in producing social media videos, human stories and journalistic interviews, whether as independent producers or attached to media organisations, are encourage to apply. The deliverable is a 2-minute video suitable for social media in Romanian language. 

No pitches are required to apply. Applicants are requested to share a cover letter and a portfolio that includes links to video examples of their previous work.

Open to: Individuals (or individuals attached to organisations)
Funding Amount: One 2-minute social media video – The total amount is GBP 350.00
Project Name: Building Resilience in the Eastern Neighbourhood (BREN)

About IWPR

The Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) is an independent, international non-governmental organisation with head offices in London and Washington DC. IWPR empowers local voices to drive change in countries in conflict, crisis and transition. Where hate speech and propaganda proliferate, and journalists and civic activists are under attack, IWPR promotes reliable information and public debate that makes a difference.

About the Call

The call is part of IWPR’s Building Resilience in the Eastern Neighbourhood (BREN) programme implemented in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova. BREN supports civil society and women’s rights organisations in the Eastern Neighbourhood countries. 

The BREN project, delivered by IWPR in partnership with the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP), is designed to build the resilience of civil society organisations (CSOs) to promote human security, peace and stability in the Eastern Neighbourhood countries, focused on women and other marginalised groups.


Applications are open to individual videographers as well as individuals or journalists attached to media outlets in Moldova that produce content. 

IWPR will provide a creative brief with questions to guide the videographer and clarify the expected outcome.

The videographer will provide the video footage and interview transcripts. The video editing and translation from Romanian to English (for the subtitles) will be completed by IWPR.

Funding Amount and Duration

The videographer will receive GBP350 for 1 video of 2 minutes, subject to delivery and IWPR’s acceptance of the video. The funding amount is a fixed flat fee. Additional financial support will be provided only for in-country transport if needed.

The Ideal Candidate

  • Has experience producing interview/reporting style videos that are suitable for social media.
  • Is based in Moldova and speaks Romanian with some knowledge of English. 

Scope of Work

  • Preliminary meeting with IWPR to discuss the creative brief, plan, vision and approach for the video.
  • Capture short messages from the key people to interview.
  • Capture footage from the interview location.  


  • Footage of the beneficiary interview with transcripts.
  • Footage from the interview location based on the creative brief.

Deadline for Delivery

All footage must be delivered to IWPR by no later than June 21st, 2024.

Note: The videographer should possess high-quality equipment capable of capturing clear audio and video in various outdoor and indoor settings.

Application and Evaluation Process

To apply for this consultancy, please submit the following to Jennifer Kanaan at

  1. Cover letter explaining you and/or your organization’s experience and interest in this consultancy.
  2. Links to sample work product representative of the variety and quality of videos produced and videos similar to the work of this ToR, including interviews, establishing shots, etc.

Applications will be evaluated based on the criteria below. 

  • Individual or organisational capacity and experience – 50 points 
  • Quality of sample work product – 50 points
Evaluation criteriaEvaluation sub-criteriaPoints
Interest, experience and capacity Experience with videography, interviews, interest in highlighting impact and beneficiary stories, and capacity to follow a creative brief and deliver on time. 50
Quality of work product Good quality videos produced with clear picture and sound, and interview videos produced for similar clients. 50

For questions and clarifications, contact Jennifer Kanaan at