
MOL/02/2024 - Sale of Damaged Vehicle Nissan X-TRAIL


Sale of Damaged Vehicle Nissan X-TRAIL

Reference Number:


Procurement Procedure:

Request for Quotation (RFQ)

Issue Date: 

23 May 2024


17 June 2024, 15:00 (EEST) – Chisinau local time

The OSCE Mission to Moldova is selling the following vehicle:

Model: Nissan X-TRAIL

Details: 1.6dCi, 4x4, 6MT, 2015, Current mileage 52981 km

Important Notes:

1. The vehicle will be sold on “as is and where is” basis.

2. The vehicle is after car accident.

3. There are no guarantees or implied warranties to the conditions of the vehicle.

4. OSCE office reserves the right to reject any or all bids.


More detailed information and complete set of documents can be obtained from Procurement Team by e-mail:

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