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Extended deadline Procurement of devices for remote data reading, retrieving, and transmitting via Lorawan 868 MHz, compatible with volumetric meters PD-LCF, antennas with Lorawan 868 MHz GPS, VPN (Extended Term)

Request for Proposals (RFQ) number: FY24-CM-IMC-CAL (01) 

Subject:  Procurement of devices for remote data reading, retrieving, and transmitting via Lorawan 868 MHz, compatible with volumetric meters PD-LCF, antennas with Lorawan 868 MHz GPS, VPN including 3G modem for transmitting data to the server and Lorawan data collection platform with automatic report generation, with the possibility of data export to MS Office Excel program (the software). EXTENDED 

Date of launch: March 28, 2024

Deadline for clarifications/questions from Bidders EXTENDED: April 10, 2024 10:00 (Chisinau local time) EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR CLARIFICATION REQUESTS – MAY 17, 2024, 10:00 AM (Chisinau local time).

Deadline for the submission of quote EXTENDED: April 18, 2024, 10:00 (Chisinau local time) THE EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR THE SUBMISSION OF OFFERS IS MAY 21, 2024, 10:00 AM (Chisinau local time). Please see Bid Bulletin No.4 for more information.

IMPORTANT/UPDATE – Bulletin No. 4 was published on May 14, 2024, the document can be found in the list of uploaded documents below.

The Comunitatea Mea (CM) program, administered by the International Research & Exchanges Board Washington D.C., Chisinau Branch and funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID), invites Bidders to submit quotes for the procurement of  devices for remote data reading, retrieving, and transmitting via LoRaWAN 868 MHz, compatible with volumetric meters PD-LCF, antennas with LoRaWAN 868 MHz GPS, VPN including 3G modem for transmitting data to the server and LoRaWAN data collection platform with automatic report generation, with the possibility of data export to MSOffice Excel programs (the software) under the  Intermunicipal Cooperation for the improvement of the intercommunal service of water distribution in Calarasi, Niscani and Tuzara communities 

The RFQ, along with all related documents and forms for this procurement, are accessible at 

The aim of the assignment is to improve the intercommunal service of water distribution in Calarasi, Niscani and Tuzara communities by procuring the necessary hardware and software. 

The Calarasi Mayoralty is the direct beneficiary of the project (hereinafter referred to as the Beneficiary). The selected Contractor will execute the project together and with the assistance of representatives from IM Gospodăria Comunal Locativă Călărași (herein after referred to as Beneficiary’s representative). 

Under this SOW, IREX/Comunitatea Mea Program proposes to select a Bidder/Contractor for the procurement of the following hardware and software: 

Type of Goods/equipment/accessories UPDATED 

Number of units 


 1.Devices for reading, retrieving, and transmitting data remotely via LoRaWAN 868 MHz compatible with volumetric meters PD-LFC 

1.1 Communication device 

1.2 Installation of Devices for reading, retrieving, and transmitting data remotely via LoRaWAN 868 MHz compatible with volumetric meters PD-LFC  

3,100 pcs 

2. Antenna with LoRaWAN 868 MHz antenna, GPS, VPN inclusive 3G modem for transmitting data to the server, including: 


2.1. Gateway LoRaWAN 868 MHz 

5 pcs 

2.2 Radio Interface for the Programming & On-site Reading of the Communication Modules 

  3 pcs 

2.3.Power over Ethernet (PoE) Injector 

for LoRaWAN 868 MHz Antenna/Gateway 

5 pcs 

2.4. LoRaWAN Outdoor Antenna for LoRaWAN radio signal amplification 

 5 pcs 

2.5. Extension cable for the connection between the LoRaWAN antenna 

5 pcs 

2.6. Lightning Arrester for LoRaWAN Antenna/Gateway protection 

 5 pcs 

2.7. Field Test Device 

3 pcs 

2.8 Installation of Antenna with LoRaWAN 868 MHz antenna, GPS, VPN inclusive 3G modem 

for transmitting data to the server 

 5 pcs 

3.Cable for connection of water meter with module 

3,100 pcs 


3. LoRaWAN data collection platform with automatic report generation, with the possibility of exporting to MSOffice Excel programs (the software), including: 

3.1. Software for Data Collect & Data Reading of Communication Devices 

    1 pcs 

Please visit  for additional information. 


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