Re-opened: Supply of Office Stationery for the MSI Moldova

This is a re-opened RFQ.

Moldova Resilience Initiative (MRI) implemented by Management Systems International and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) respectfully requests quotations from qualified vendors for Supply of Office Stationery for the MSI Moldova.

We are kindly request you to either apply via MSI online procurement platform Management Systems International, Inc. ( or send us the following documents to by April 18, 2024, 6PM or 18:00 (Moldova time):

  1. Company profile which includes brochures and product catalogues relevant to the goods being procured.
  2. Company’s Registration Certificate or Agency for Public Services Extract.
  3. Copy of business license if applicable.
  4. Official Letter of Appointment as local representative, if Offeror is submitting a Quotation on behalf of an entity located outside the country.
  5. Quality Certificate (e.g. ISO, etc.) and/or other similar certificates, accreditations, awards received by the Offeror, If any.
  6. Environmental Compliance Certificates, Accreditations, Markings/Labels/Ecolabel and other evidence of the Offeror’s practices which contributes to the ecological sustainability and reduction of adverse environmental impact (e.g., ISO 14001, 2470:1999 or equivalent, European EMAS, US EPA Performance Track or equivalent, ECOLABEL Type 2, etc.), either in its business practices or in the goods it sells/manufactures, if any.
  7. Certifications on ecological requirements regarding products’ production (1) Paper, paper products and envelops: ECOLABEL, ECO MARK, ECOLOGO, Green Seal, and any other); (2) Writing Tools: ECOLABEL, ECO MARK, ECOLOGO, Green Seal, and/or written corporate environmental policy, consistent with ISO 14001 (International Organization for Standardization), or equivalent. Any other appropriate means of proof will also be accepted.
  8. Source, Nationality, and Availability for Purchase form filled and signed.
  9. Past performance information – 3 relevant reference letters from the last top 3 clients in terms of Contract value in similar field in the past 3 years. Contact details of reference providers should be included.
  10. Financial quotation in MDL only, without VAT, as per list of goods provided above. No other currencies accepted.

Delivery terms and requirements:

  • Delivery terms: DAP.
  • Customs clearance, if any: Shall be done by Offeror/Supplier.
  • Exact Address of Delivery Location: 45, Alexandr Puskin str., Chisinau, Moldova.
  • Delivery details: During the Agreement period of performance (12 months), the selected vendor shall make deliveries/supplying of stationery, upon requests, to the specified location in Chisinau, Moldova

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