Invitation to Bid (ITB) No.: DRC/MOL/2024/ITB/SUPP0002 - Type of Items: Provision of Hygiene Dignity kits


Danish Refugee Council Moldova

Gh. Asachi 26/3

MD-2028, Chisinau

+373 68802065

29 February 2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB) No.: DRC/MOL/2024/ITB/SUPP0002


Type of Items: Provision of Hygiene Dignity kits


Dear Sir/Madam:

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) hereby requests you to submit price bid(s) for the supply and delivery of Hygiene Dignity Kits listed on the attached DRC Bid Form Annex A.1 and Annex A.2.

I.                 Tender Details

The Tender details are as follows:



Time, date, address as appropriate


ITB published

February 29, 2024


Closing date for request for clarifications

March 06, 2024, COB


Closing date for clarifications

March 07, 2024, COB


Closing date and time for receipt of Tenders

March 14, 2024, 17:00


Tender Opening Location

DRC office Moldova, Gh.Asachi 26/3, MD-2028 Chisinau


Tender Opening Date and time

March 15, 2024, 14:00




II.                Important information regarding this ITB:

  • This ITB is launched for the purpose of establishing a Framework Agreement up to 1,040,000.00 MDL without VAT with the supplier for the Provision of Hygiene Dignity kits for the period of 6 months till 09.2024.
  • A Framework agreement is not binding for DRC to place any Purchase Order. DRC will place Purchase Order to the awarded Supplier based on the agreement as per its requirement.
  • DRC may choose to cancel the agreement if deemed necessary.
  • No advance payment will be paid to the awarded supplier.
  • The Bidders must offer all required items.
  • The delivery time of the supply shall be within a maximum of 10 days of Purchase Order signing. DRC may terminate the contract or impose other penalties if supplier fails to deliver items within this period.
  • The total price of each set includes cost of the goods, set assembly service, white Eco bag with logo's (as per Annex A.3) and delivery inside Chisinau.


I.                 Selection and Award Criteria

This tender will be awarded to the lowest cost technically compliant bid. The technical evaluation criteria are as per the specifications stated in Annex A.1 – Technical Bid.

A.               Administrative Evaluation

A bid shall pass the administrative evaluation stage before being considered for technical and financial evaluation. Bids that are deemed administratively non-compliant may be rejected. The documents listed below shall be submitted with your bid.


Annex #





Bid Form (Technical)

Complete ALL sections in full, sign, stamp and submit



Bid Form (Financial)

Complete ALL sections in full, sign, stamp and submit



Tender and Contract Award Acknowledgement Certificate (page 10 of Invitation to Bid)

Complete ALL sections in full, sign, stamp and submit



General Conditions of Contract

Sign, stamp and submit



Supplier Code of Conduct

Sign, stamp and submit



Supplier Profile and Registration Form

Complete ALL sections in full, sign, stamp and submit



Company’s Registration Certificate issued by relevant state Agency

Submit a copy of original document



Balance sheets or extracts from balance sheets for at least the last two years for which accounts have been closed

Submit a copy of original document



Reference list - about jobs relating to the subject matter of this tender (at least 5 main customers with the Focal points names, emails, phone numbers)

Sign, stamp and submit



Majority Owner’s ID copy

Submit a copy of original document




For each requested item

B.                Technical Evaluation

To be technically acceptable, the bid shall meet or exceed the stipulated requirements and specifications in the ITB in Annex A.1 – Technical Bid. A Bid is deemed to meet the criteria if it confirms that it meets all mandatory conditions, procedures and specifications in the ITB without substantially departing from or attaching restrictions with them. If a Bid does not technically comply with the ITB, it will be rejected.

The technical criteria are stipulated in Annex A.1 – Technical Bid Form.

C.                Financial Evaluation

All bids that pass the Technical Evaluation will proceed to the Financial Evaluation. Bids that are deemed technically non-compliant will not be financially evaluated. The financial criteria is the lowest average offered price.

II.                Tender Process

The following processes will be applied to this Tender:

  • Tender Period
  • Tender Closing
  • Tender Opening
  • Administrative Evaluation
  • Technical Evaluation
  • Financial Evaluation
  • Contract Award
  • Notification of Contract Award

III.              Submission of Bids

Bidders are solely responsible for ensuring that the full bid is received by DRC in accordance with the ITB requirements, prior to the specified date and time mentioned above. DRC will consider only those portions of the bids received prior to the closing date and time specified.

All responsive Bids shall be written on the DRC Bid Form (Annex A.1 and A.2).

Beyond the DRC Bid Form, the following documents shall be contained with the bid:

Tender & Contract Award Acknowledgment Certificate (Annex B), Supplier Profile and Registration form (Annex E), plus any other documents required (Majority Owner’s ID copy, Company’s Registration Certificate issued by relevant state Agency)

Bids not submitted on Annex A, or not received before the indicated time and date as set forth on page 1, or delivered to any other physical address will be disqualified.

Bids submitted by mail or courier by so is at the Bidders risk and DRC takes no responsibility for the receipt of such Bids.

Bidders are solely responsible for ensuring that the full Bid is received by DRC in accordance with the ITB requirements.

A.               Hard Copy:

Hard copy Bids shall be separated into ‘Financial Bid’ and ‘Technical Bid’:

  • The Financial Bid shall only contain the financial bid form, Annex A.2
  • The Technical Bid shall contain all other documents required by the tender as mentioned in section A. Administrative Evaluation but excluding any pricing information.

Each part shall be placed in a sealed envelope, marked as follows:

ITB No.: DRC/MOL/2024/ITB/SUPP0002


Bidder Name:

ITB No.: DRC/MOL/2024/ITB/SUPP0002


Bidder Name:

ITB No.:  DRC/MOL/2024/ITB/SUPP0002


Danish Refugee Council Moldova

Chisinau, str. Gh. Asachi 26/3

Note “Not to be opened before the Tender Opening Session”.

 Both envelopes shall be placed in an outer sealed envelope, addressed, and delivered to:

Danish Refugee Council Moldova

Chisinau, Str. Gh. Asachi 26/3

All mandatory tender documentation is accessible on the following link:


B.                Email submission:

E-mailed Bids shall be separated into “Financial Bid” and “Technical Bid”:

  • The Financial Bid shall only contain the financial bid form, Annex A.2. and must be submitted in one e-mail, clearly marked DRC/MOL/2024/ITB/SUPP0002- FINANCIAL BID
  • The Technical Bid shall contain all other documents required by the tender as mentioned in section A. Administrative Evaluation, but excluding any pricing information, and must be submitted in one e-mail, clearly marked DRC/MOL/2024/ITB/SUPP0002- TECHNICAL BID

IV.              Submission of Samples:

If the ITB Tender calls for the submission of samples then failure to do so may render your Bid invalid. Samples submitted should each be clearly marked with the same item number that is used on the DRC Bid Form (Annex A.1).

Each sample item must contain Declaration on the raw material composition with clearly presented product


Expiring date at least 12 months from the delivery month for each item.

Sample packaging must be clearly marked ‘Samples’ with the ITB number and the Bidder’s name, as per above given instructions for the submission of bid envelopes. Samples must be received at the same place as the ‘hard copies’ of the Bid.

If case that Bidders offer same items as on some previous DRC tenders for which samples are already submitted and still are in possession of DRC, Bidders are not obliged to submit same samples. In case that offered items are

V.                Completion of Bid Form

A.               Prices Quoted

Bidders should offer unit prices in MDL excluding VAT. Payments will be conducted in MDL excluding VAT. Any discount offered shall be included in the Bid price. 

The offered unit prices will be unchanged during the whole Contract duration period.

B.                Currency

The currency of the Bid shall be in MDL. No other currencies are acceptable.

C.                Language

The Bid Form, and all correspondence and documents related to this ITB shall be in English.

D.               Packaging

Packaging shall be of international shipping standard, strong quality, and suitable for shipment as provided in the Bid Form.


E.                Origin

Country of origin of the items shall be clearly stated.


F.                Presentation

Bids should be clearly legible. Prices entered in lead pencil will not be considered. All erasures, amendments, or alterations shall be initiated by the signatory to the Bid. Do not submit blank pages of the Bid Form and/or schedules which are unnecessary for your offer. All documentation shall be written in English. All Bids shall be signed by a duly authorized representative of the Bidder.

G.               Validity Period

Bids shall be valid at least 120 days upon the Closing date for receipt of Tenders.

VI.              Acceptance

DRC reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to consider as invalid or unacceptable any Bid which is a) not clear; b) incomplete in any material detail such as specification, terms delivery, quantity etc.; or c) not presented on the Bid Form – and to accept or reject any amendments, withdraws and/or supplementary information submitted after the time and date of the ITB Closure.

VII.             Award of Contracts

This ITB does not commit DRC to award a contract or pay any costs incurred in the preparation or submission of Bids, or costs incurred in making necessary studies for the preparation thereof, or to procure or contract for services or goods. Any bid submitted will be regarded as an offer made by the Bidder and not as an acceptance by the Bidder of an offer made by DRC. No contractual relationship will exist except pursuant to a written contract document signed by a duly authorized official of DRC and the successful Bidder.


DRC may award contracts for part quantities or individual items. DRC will notify successful Bidders of its decision with respect to their Bids as soon as possible after the Bids are opened. DRC reserves the right to cancel any ITB, to reject any or all Bids in whole or in part, and to award any contract.

Suppliers who do not comply with the contractual terms and conditions including delivering different products and of different origin than stipulated in their Bid and covering contract may be excluded from future DRC ITBs.


VIII.           Confidentiality

This ITB or any part hereof, and all copies hereof shall be returned to DRC upon request. This ITB is confidential and proprietary to DRC, contains privileged information, part of which may be copyrighted, and is communicated to and received by Bidders on the condition that no part thereof, or any information concerning it may be copied, exhibited, or furnished to others without the prior written consent of DRC, except that Bidders may exhibit the specifications to prospective subcontractors for the sole purpose of obtaining offers from them. Notwithstanding the other provisions of the ITB, Bidders will be bound by the contents of this paragraph whether or not their company submits a Bid or responds in any other way to this ITB.


XI.              Collusive Bidding and Anti-Competitive Conduct

Bidders and their employees, officers, advisers, agent or sub-contractors shall not engage in any collusive bidding or other anti-competitive conduct or any other similar conduct, in relations to:

  • The preparation of submission of Bids,
  • The clarification of Bids,
  • The conduct and content of negotiations,
  • Including final contract negotiations,

In respect of this ITB or procurement process, or any other procurement process being conducted by DRC in respect of any of its requirements.

For the purpose of this clause, collusive bidding, other anti-competitive conduct, or any other similar conduct may include, among other things, the disclosure to, exchange or clarification with, any other Bidder, person or entity, of information (in any form), whether or not such information is commercial information confidential to DRC, any other Bidder, person or entity in order to alter the results of a solicitation exercise in such a way that would lead to an outcome other than that which would have been obtained through a competitive process.

XII.             Improper Assistance

Bids that, in the sole opinion of DRC, have been compiled:

  • With the assistance of current or former employees of DRC, or current or former contractors of DRC in violation of confidentially obligations or by using information not otherwise available to the general public or which would provide a non-competitive benefit,
  • With the utilization of confidential and/or internal DRC information not made available to the public or to the other Bidders,
  • In breach of an obligation of confidentially to DRC, or contrary to these terms and conditions for submission of a Bid, shall be excluded from further consideration.

Without limiting the operation of the above clause, a Bidder shall not, in the absence of prior written approval from DRC, permit a person to contribute to, or participate in, any process relating to the preparation of a Bid or the procurement process, if the person has at any time during the 6 months immediately preceding the date of issue of this ITB was an official, agent, functionary, or employee of, or otherwise engaged by, DRC and was engaged directly, or indirectly, in the planning or performance of the requirement, project, or activity to which this ITB relates.

XIII.           Corrupt Practices

DRC has zero tolerance for corruption.

The Bidder represents and warrants that neither it nor any of its potential subcontractors are engaged in any form of corruption, defined by DRC as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain.

This definition is not limited to interactions with public officials and covers both attempted and actual corruption, as well as monetary and non-monetary corruption. The definition includes, but is not limited to, corruption in the form of: facilitation payments, bribery, gifts constituting an undue influence, kickbacks, favouritism, cronyism, nepotism, extortion, embezzlement, misuse of confidential information, theft, and various forms of fraud, such as forgery or falsification of documents, and financial or procurement fraud. No offer, payment, consideration or benefit of any kind, which could be regarded as an illegal or corrupt practice, shall be made, promised, sought or accepted – directly or indirectly – as an inducement or reward in relation to activities funded by DRC, including tendering, award or execution of contracts. DRC reserves the right, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to it, according to any violation of this clause to immediately reject the submitted offer, and to take such additional action, civil and/or criminal, as may be appropriate.

The Bidder agrees to accurately communicate DRC’s policy with regards to Anti- Corruption to Third Parties. The Bidder furthermore agrees to inform DRC immediately of any suspicion or information it receives from any source alleging a violation of this policy to the contact details of the specific DRC country operations via, or via DRC’s Code of Conduct Reporting Mechanism: Reports of suspected corruption can also be reported directly to DRC HQ at

XIV.           Conflict of Interest

A Bidder shall not, and shall ensure that its employees, officers, advisers, agents or subcontractors do not place themselves in a position that may, or does, give rise to an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest between the interests of DRC and the Bidder’s interests during the procurement process.

If during any stage of the procurement process or performance of any DRC contract a conflict of interest arises, or appears likely to arise, the Bidder shall notify DRC immediately in writing, setting out all relevant details of the situation, including those cases in which the interests of the Bidder conflict with the interests of DRC, or cases in which any DRC official, employee or person under contract with DRC may have, or appear to have, an interest of any kind in the Bidder’s business or any kind of economic ties with the Bidder. The Bidder shall take steps as DRC may reasonably require, to resolve or otherwise deal with the conflict to the satisfaction of DRC.

XV.             Withdrawal/Modification of Bids

Requests to withdraw a Bid after the Bid closure time shall not be honoured.

Withdrawal of a Bid may result in your suspension or removal from the DRC suppliers List.

A Bidder may modify its Bid prior to the ITB closure. Any such modification shall be submitted in writing and in a sealed envelope, marked with the original Bid number. No modification shall be allowed after the ITB closure.


XVI.           LATE BIDS

All Bids received after the ITB closure will be rejected.

XVII.          Opening of the ITB

The Tender Opening will take place at the time and location stated above.

Any attempt by a Bidder to influence the Evaluation Committee in the process of examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders, to obtain information on how the procedure is progressing or to influence DRC in its decision concerning the award of the contract will result in the immediate rejection of the tender.

Interested suppliers need to confirm participation via email:

before 07 March 2024

14:00 UTC

16:00 Chisinau time

XVIII.        Conditions of Contract

All Bidders shall acknowledge that the DRC General Conditions of Contract for the Procurement of Goods are acceptable.

XIX.           Cancellation of the ITB

In the event of an ITB cancellation, Bidders will be notified by DRC. If the ITB is cancelled before the outer envelope of any Bid has been opened, the sealed envelopes will be returned, unopened, to the Bidders.

The ITB may be cancelled in the following situations:

  • where no qualitatively or financially worthwhile Bid has been received or there has been no response at all;
  • the economic or technical parameters of the project have been fundamentally altered.
  • exceptional circumstances or force majeure render normal performance of the project impossible.
  • all technically compliant Bids exceed the financial resources available; or
  • there have been irregularities in the procedure, where these have prevented fair competition.

DRC shall not be liable for damages, whatever their nature (in particular damages for loss of profits) or relationship to the cancellation of an ITB, even if DRC has been advised of the possibility of damages. The publication of a procurement notice does not commit DRC to implement the programme or project announced.

XX.             Queries about this ITB

All enquires and questions should be addressed to until 28 February 2024.

All questions regarding this ITB shall be submitted in writing to the above. On the subject line, please indicate the ITB number.

Bids shall not be sent to the above email.

XXI.           ITB Documents

This ITB document contains the following:

  1. Annex A.1: DRC Bid Form (Technical bid)
  2. Annex A.2: DRC Bid Form (Financial bid)
  3. Annex B: Tender and Contract Award Acknowledgment Certificate (pg. 10 ITB)
  4. Annex C: DRC General Conditions of Contract
  5. Annex D: DRC Supplier Code of Conduct
  6. Annex E: Supplier Profile and Registration

7.     Annex F.1:            Company’s Registration Certificate issued by relevant state Agency

8.    Annex F.2:          Balance sheets or extracts from balance sheets for at least the last two years for which accounts have       been closed

9.    Annex F.3            Reference list - about jobs relating to the subject matter of this tender (at least 5 main customers with the Focal points names, emails, phone numbers)

10.    Annex F.4:           Majority Owner’s ID copy

11.                                 Samples

Under DRC’s Anticorruption Policy Bidders shall observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. DRC will reject a Bid if it determines that the Bidder recommended for award, has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices in competing for, or in executing, the Contract.

Yours sincerely

Danish Refugee Council Moldova        

                                                                                                  Chisinau, 29 February 2024


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