RFQ 23/011-T 3Q tender pentru achizitia laptopurilor / Tender for procurement of Laptops

RFQ 23/011-T 3Q tender pentru achizitia laptopurilor / Tender for procurement of Laptops

Helvetas Moldova invites interested offerors to provide their quotations within the procurement procedure for the supply of Laptops -12 pcs within the procurement procedure RFQ 23/011-T 3Q. 

Full tender dossier (RFQ and annexes) can be accessed following this link (please copy the entire link and insert it in the browser) https://helvetas-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/carolina_untila_helvetas_org/EnXxHvBLhQ1FgWQaOxmb-dYBhsMuVKCiovznMIEmWpEccQ?e=xxk0Pi 

Timeline of the procurement process, as per the dates set in the table below: 




RFQ launch date



Inquiries/ clarifications from companies



Email for submission of clarifications



Deadline for submitting offers



Submission at Helvetas Moldova Office:

Sos. Hincesti 38B, et. 2

Original, sealed envelope


Quotations have to be submitted in original in a sealed envelope, as indicated in the RFQ, to Helvetas Moldova office, address: Sos. Hîncești 38B, 2nd floor, MD-2028 Chisinau. The language of the submitted quotation is English. 

For any inquiries or questions, please feel free to contact us by email: carolina.untila@helvetas.org or by phone number: +37368824887.

All interested bidders are kindly required to register to this procurement, by sending an email stating their intention to propose a quotation, so they can be promptly notified in case of any changes and/or clarifications related to this RFQ.