Request For Quotation: Support Youth Centers Network in delivering mobile youth work activities

Service Requirements/Terms of Reference (ToR)

Objectives and scope of the Services

Supporting the Youth Centers Network in providing mobile youth work activities to young people residing in remote areas or facing limited opportunities.

UNFPA Moldova is seeking to engage a company or non-governmental organization to assist in enabling the Youth Centers Network to deliver mobile youth work activities targeting young people residing in remote areas or facing limited opportunities. Depending on the specific location, mobile youth workers may operate in various settings such as parks, urban or rural gathering spaces, public administration buildings, schools, clubs, etc. These mobile youth workers, often comprising young volunteers, primarily aim to establish connections with young individuals within their comfort zones.

The mobile youth work program implemented by the youth centers also aims to enhance the visibility of the Youth Center by delivering activities and spaces genuinely attractive and welcoming environments that actively contribute to the personal development of young people. These spaces offer opportunities for both learning and recreational activities.

The provision of mobile youth work services will be a collaborative effort between the youth centers, local partners, and the utilization of information and communication technology (ICT). ICT will play a pivotal role, offering a wide array of possibilities, ranging from online communication for information and consultation to the creation of virtual youth centers.


In order to accomplish the above-mentioned objective, the company / organization will have to perform the below mentioned activities. The activities will be conducted in close coordination with UNFPA Moldova and the Youth Agency.

The bidder will be responsible for communication with YC, in coordination with UNFPA CO. The vendor is expected to work closely with UNFPA and the Agency for Youth for the briefing and clarification issues. The Contractor will use the visual identity elements of the Youth Centers according to the technical specification further provided (see Brand book) and UNFPA requirements.

  1. Develop the concept note and launch the call for selection of 10 Youth Centers to be part of the Mobile Youth Work Program;
  2. Conduct the evaluation process of the applications from Youth Centers in partnership with UNFPA Moldova and Youth Agency Finalize accordingly the process and establish partner contact with the selected youth centers;
  3. Collect all data form the YC on their needs and requested support to successfully conduct mobile youth work activities; cluster the needs; conduct procurement process; deliver the services and resources (office supplies, coffee breaks, transportation services, etc.) to the targeted youth centers.
  4. Coordinate the process of developing the mobile youth work activities at local level by selected youth centers;
  5. Organize one kick-off and one closing/follow-up workshop with the selected centers.
  6. Collect the info from youth centers (lists of participants, pictures from the activities, etc.).
  7. Develop the final report as per the template provided by UNFPA Moldova and present it to UNFPA Moldova.

Organizational setting

The contractor will work under the direct supervision of UNFPA and the Youth Agency. The contractor is responsible for delivering qualitative and prompt results to accomplish the objectives of this ToR. UNFPA and the Youth Agency will provide the contractor all the necessary information.


The assignment will be conducted in the following period: from the date the contract enters into force until 31 December 2023. Deliverables will be submitted in accordance with the provisions of Outputs / Deliverable(s) and the Timeframe of the present ToR.

Questions or requests for further clarifications should be submitted in writing to the contact person below:

Valeria Tepordei, Finance and Administrative Coordinator (

The deadline for submission of questions is 26 September 2023, 16:30 (Moldova local time). Questions will be answered in writing and shared will parties as soon as possible after this deadline.

Eligible Bidders

This Request for Quotation is open to all eligible bidders; to be considered an eligible bidder for this solicitation process you must comply with the following:

  • A bidder must be a legally-constituted company that can provide the requested services and products and have legal capacity to enter into a contract with UNFPA to in the country, or through an authorized representative.
  • A bidder must not have a conflict of interest regarding the solicitation process or with the TORs / Technical Specifications. Bidders found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified.
  • At the time of Bid submission, the bidder, including any JV/Consortium members, is not under procurement prohibitions derived from the Compendium of United Nations Security Council Sanctions Lists and has not been suspended, debarred, sanctioned or otherwise identified as ineligible by any UN Organization or the World Bank Group.
  • Bidders must adhere to the UN Supplier Code of Conduct, which may be found by clicking on UN Supplier Code of Conduct.

Content of quotations

Quotations should be submitted via a TWO-envelope system. Interested Bidders are requested to submit their Technical Bid & Declaration From separately from their Financial Bid containing the price information. Each envelope shall consist of a single email whenever possible, depending on file size.

  1. Technical proposal, in response to the requirements outlined in the service requirements / TORs. Technical proposal shall include the following:
    - Description of proposed technical approach to meet the objectives / deliverables as per the ToR;
    - Workplan / time scales given in the proposal and its adequacy to meet the objectives / deliverables as per the ToR.
    - Copy of organization’s registration certificate.
    - Organization’s profile including experience in similar assignments.
    - Statement of Satisfactory Performance or Letters of Recommendations from minimum 2 (two) clients or business partners obtained in the last three years. Resumes (CVs) of the Key Personnel comprising information requested as per the evaluation criteria.
  2. Signed Declaration Form, to be submitted strictly in accordance with the document.
  3. Price quotation in MDL, to be submitted strictly in accordance with the price quotation form. Both parts of the quotation must be signed by the bidding company’s relevant authority and submitted in PDF format.

Instructions for submission

Proposals should be prepared based on the guidelines set forth in Section III above, along with a properly filled out and signed price quotation form, and are to be sent by email to the contact person indicated below no later than: Tuesday, 3 October 2023, 16:30 (Moldova local time).

Name of contact person at UNFPA: Diana Condrat, Bid Receiver (

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