Invitation to Tender (External Evaluation)

Terms of reference for External Evaluation


Caritas Moldova EA 04/22    Moldova Emergency Response to Ukrainian Refugees Arriving in Moldova


Total Value

1,672,133   Euro


Project Duration:

February 24th 2022 – April 30th 2023



The EA 04/22 Emergency Response to Ukrainian Refugees Arriving in Moldova was launched on March 3rd 2022 in the context of the conflict in Ukraine. This is the first Emergency Appeal for Caritas Moldova. The original duration of the project was 6 months. The project was revised and extended for another 7 months in September 2022.  Initially the project was targeting Ukrainian refugees crossing the border to Moldova. 6 months into the conflict, after a needs assessment, there was identified the need to offer support also for vulnerable Moldovans who were severely affected by the tripled prices for basic needs and services. After program revision the project targeted 50% Ukrainians and 50% Moldovans.
The main objective after project revision was: Conflict-affected individuals meet their needs, live in dignity, and walk towards a pathway of integration, while host communities and local organizations build resilience and preparedness to respond to future emergencies. The projects included activities like: providing access to safe and dignified living spaces, providing access to food, water, WASH and health services, access to inclusion and integration services but also activities for Caritas Moldova and local authorities’ capacity strengthening.

The project stakeholders: Caritas Internationalis Member Organizations, local authorities and parishes.


The final evaluation will focus on the following key objectives: 

  • Assess the relevance, appropriateness, effectiveness’, accountability and impact/sustainability of the programme
  • Assess the effectiveness of the leadership of Caritas Moldova in coordinating the dioceses and Caritas Internationalis Member Organizations within the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis/ Emergency Response to Ukrainian Refugees Arriving in Moldova
  • Identify lessons learned, best practices and recommendations to inform future programme design.



  • Was programme design based on an impartial assessment of needs? Are needs assessments disaggregated by age, sex and disability? Do they include people’s needs, vulnerabilities and capacities?
  • Did the assistance provided by Caritas Moldova meet the needs of the affected population? Were the persons most in need identified, selected, and supported by the programme?
  • Which parts of the assistance were the most appropriate and why? Which were least appropriate and why? Were activities aligned with the affected population’s needs and priorities?


  • Was the response timely?
  • What internal and external factors affected the speed of the response?
  • Was the internal organizational and managerial structure of the project effective?
  • Were there appropriate systems in place to monitor activities, outputs and outcomes of the programme? Did monitoring outcomes inform programme adjustments/revisions?
  • Did the project activities lead towards the achievement of the expected results/indicators as set in the Results Framework?


  • To what extent has the affected population been involved in the design or implementation of the programme?
  • Were appropriate systems of downwards accountability (participation, information sharing and feedback/complaints), put in place and used by project participants? Were project participants aware of the feedback/complaint’s mechanism?
  • Were project participants and communities aware of selection criteria?
  • Were project participants and communities aware of the assistance they should receive?


  • How effective was Caritas Moldova in coordinating internally?
  • How effective was Caritas Moldova in coordinating with external stakeholders such as other agencies, organizations, the local and national government?
  • What aspects of coordination could be improved in the future and how?


  • Has the Caritas response strengthened local capacities?
  • What are the intended and unintended, positive and negative effects of the project?
  • What, if any, aspects of the programme will have a longer-term impact?


The final evaluation will rely on two main evaluation stages 1. design phase 2. field phase

 Design phase 

  • The evaluator(s) will undertake a desk review of programme documentation including planning documents, project proposals, situation reports and quarterly reports
  • The evaluator(s) will review other monitoring and reporting documents from secondary sources (i.e. UNHCR reports).
  • If appropriate, the evaluator(s) will obtain feedback from the CI Humanitarian Department on the most relevant sites to visit.

 Field phase

  • After the design phase, the evaluator(s) will conduct fieldwork to collect and analyses data in order to answer the evaluation questions
  • Data collection methods should be inclusive and utilize a range of methods, including focus group discussions and key informant interviews and with key project stakeholders. The use of surveys and other remote data collection tools should also be explored by the evaluators to maximize data collection
  • The evaluator(s) should ensure a systematic triangulation of data sources and data collection methods and tools, and seek to validate data through regular exchanges with programme staff where appropriate.


The evaluator(s) should produce the following key deliverables:

  • Draft Evaluation Report in English language to be submitted to Caritas Moldova latest June 29th 2023

 Final Evaluation Report will include:

Executive Summary




Description of Methodology

Main findings

Conclusions inclusive of best practices and lessons learned



The intended audience for the evaluation is Caritas Moldova key staff, including senior management, Caritas Internationalis Member Organizations who have supported the programme, the Caritas Internationalis Humanitarian Department and the Caritas Confederation. Evaluation findings will be shared with programme participants as appropriate.


The competencies required from the External Evaluator are:

  • Advanced degree in social sciences, political sciences, economics, development or related fields
  • Experience in leading evaluations, especially in the field of humanitarian response.
  • Ability to use participatory approaches to evaluation
  • Experience of operational management of humanitarian/development programs
  • Good knowledge of the local context
  • Good analytical skills
  • Excellent writing skills in English Language
  • Understanding of the Catholic Church and Caritas Moldova structure and mission.


Proposals should include:

- Proposed evaluation methodology;

- Description of the relevant experience of the bidder, including previous experience in evaluating similar projects;

- CV(s) of the team (the consultant can be a physical or a juridical person and can form a team of 1 or 2 experts with relevant experience);

- References and recommendations;

- Description of deliverables and timeline(according to the file from TIME FRIME);

- A financial proposal including the cost implication for the evaluators if any and CVs of evaluator (s).


The financial offer will be presented in MDL and will include all taxes, including the contributions of the
employer for paying salaries/fees for providing services in the Republic of Moldova.


Add as many lines as needed to prepare Time Frame plan(see annex 1)

Selection of best offer

Selection committee with qualified members will select the best offer regarding price and quality. Price and quality will be weighted with 70% (price) and 30 % (quality).

Interested external evaluators are requested to send a “Letter of Interest” (offer) no later than June 08, 2023 to Caritas Moldova

Office: 30/1 Gheorghe Asachi Street, Chisinau, MD-2004, Moldova

Offer should be sent to by e-mail at the address: ,  tel.+37378800597