Capacity Needs Assessment of CSOs Platforms for EU-Moldova Association Agreement Implementation (CNA)

The Capacity Needs Assessment of CSOs Platforms for EU-Moldova Association Agreement Implementation was designed within the framework of “Technical Assistance to support CSO development in the Republic of Republic of Moldova”, EuropeAid / 138197 / DH / SER/MD—Relaunch (Contract No: 2017/388-484). 

Among the specific objectives of the project is to provide direct capacity development services targeting the areas aiming at enhancing the roles of Moldovan CSOs in the implementation process of the European Union – Republic of Republic of Moldova Association Agreement, where the role of CSOs is either defined or mentioned in the seven articles of AA1 . 

Download: Capacity Needs Assessment of CSOs Platforms for EU-Moldova Association Agreement Implementation (CNA) (PDF, 1.89MB)

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