CSO Academy on gender mainstreaming and gender analysis



Online capacity building programme for gender experts and trainers from civil society organisations in Eastern Partnership countries

November 2022– May 2023

Experts from civil society organisations (CSOs) from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine are invited to apply for the online CSO Academy on Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Analysis.  Organised by the EU-funded EU4Gender Equality Reform Helpdesk project, the CSO Academy aims to:

  • build the capacity of gender experts and trainers in Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries on gender mainstreaming and gender analysis;
  • create a pool/network of gender experts in EaP countries; and
  • encourage experience sharing between gender experts in the region.

Who can apply?

Experts with at least basic knowledge and three (3) years of proven work experience on gender equality issues. Participants will be selected based on their CVs, certificates and motivation letters.

What does the CSO Academy offer?

The CSO Academy programme includes online seminars, consultations/mentoring, practical homework, self-study, networking and two stages of training:

  • an advanced training programme for experts; and
  • a training of trainers (ToT) course.

The advanced training programme consists of four modules:

  • MODULE 1. Gender equality and development: Transformative changes for gender equality.
  • MODULE 2. Gender analysis and gender mainstreaming: theory and practical tools.
  • MODULE 3. Gender in emergency and recovery areas: New challenges.
  • MODULE 4. Practical steps to close gender gaps in the EU Gender Action Plan III’s priority areas.

Each module will be delivered once a month and last for 2 to 3 days. The working languages are English and Russian, and simultaneous translation will be provided. Between modules, participants will receive support (online consultations/mentoring) from the EU4Gender Equality Reform Helpdesk’s country teams in their national languages.

Only participants who have participated in all four training modules and successfully completed their practical tasks and tests will be awarded certificates and invited to apply for the training of trainers course. The ToT will build trainers’ skills, increase their capacity to use modern training and facilitation methods, and strengthen their know-how for planning and conducting online events. They also will increase their capacities to provide gender research based on global, regional and national studies, good cases and practices.

How can you apply?

To apply, please complete the registration form and submit your CV, motivation letter and certificates confirming at least three (3) years of proven work experience on gender equality issues here (https://forms.gle/kyBunzhb85qDDx9A6).   

Deadline for application is 15 October 2022.

Selected participants will receive personal invitations.

How can you contact us?

If you have any question regarding SCO Academy, please, contact us REFORM.HELPDESK@niras.se


EU4GenderEquality Reform Helpdesk

EU4 Gender Equality Reform Helpdesk Factsheet