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HEKS/EPER Moldova invites CSOs from Moldova to apply for Grant Programme for promoting enhanced protection, psychosocial well-being and cohesion among communities in Moldova

Introduction: Since June 2023, HEKS EPER is implementing the project ,,Achieving Resilience through Employment, Skills Development, and Social Cohesion Opportunities in Moldova’’ funded by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and Swiss Solidarity (SwS).

What we want to achieve:

Following the Survivor and Community-Led Response (sclr) approach HEKS/EPER will provide 8 grants to CSOs to implement community-led and community-defined projects in the Republic of Moldova, with a specific focus on the areas with a high number of refugees from Ukraine. The aim of these flexible grants is to strengthen self-reliance, ownership, resilience and promote cohesion between refugees and host communities. Application from local women-led and or refugee-led initiatives will be encouraged. The program aims to increase the independence of refugees from Ukraine from humanitarian assistance while promoting adequate, dignified and safe living conditions for vulnerable populations and refugees through enhanced protection (Education, Legal assistance, MHPSS).

Key Details:

  • Maximum Grant Amount: MDL 180,000 (approx. EUR 9,500).
  • Implementation Period: Maximum 6 months from November 2024 to April 2025.
  • Eligible Organizations: CSOs based in Moldova, special attention will be assigned to submissions from organizations operating in remote areas, in ATU Gagauzia and in Transnistrian region.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Non-profit organizations based in the Republic of Moldova, special attention will be assigned operating in remote areas, in ATU Gagauzia and in Transnistrian region.
  • Communities implementing activities for at least a year and willing to strengthen their capacities through experiential learning.

Ineligible organizations: Private and public institutions / State agencies, LPAs.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Refugees and vulnerable Moldovans are aware of tools and practices for enhanced protection, psychological and psychosocial well-being. Empowerment of women and marginalized groups.
  • Empowerment of women and marginalized groups.
  • Increased mobilization of locals and refugees’ communities to promote psychosocial well-being, education, legal assistance.
  • Collaboration with local communities, expertise, and networks is crucial for project effectiveness and sustainability.

Eligible costs/activities: Protection activities, (psychological counselling in groups/individual, workshops, educational activities, legal assistance) or any related activities for promoting resilience and inclusion, psychological and emotional well-being.

  • NB! Women led initiatives will have priority in the process of application.

Ineligible costs/activities: The administrative costs should not exceed 30% of the total project costs.

Selection Criteria:

  • A well described project proposal that aim at achieving the project objectives effectively.
  • Organization's integrity, legitimacy, and past fund management experience.
  • Capacity to implement the project effectively.

Application Process:

  • The application formcan be downloaded here (RO, RU, ENG).
  • The Budget form can be downloaded here (RO, RU, ENG).
  • Other attachments: please include with the application, in a PDF: the registration certificates of the non-profit legal entity and the Statute of the organization/or any registration or legal documents.
  • Application deadline: applications must be received by Friday 11 October 2024 23:59 at


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