English Conversation Club | Discover the Magnolia State

America House invites you to a comprehensive and engaging presentation about the State of Mississippi, also known as the Magnolia State, highlighting its heritage, culture, and community.
Our guest speaker, Tia McBride, who was born and grew up in Mississippi will speak about key historical milestones and notable historical figures of her hometown, Philadelphia, Mississippi, with a focus on the civil rights movement. She will provide an overview of Mississippi’s natural landscapes, and the Gulf Coast, and highlight the importance of the Mississippi River. She will talk about rich musical heritage (blues, country, and gospel), key musicians (e.g. Marty Stewart, Elvis Presley), literature, and notable authors from the state. You are invited to discover culinary delights, local festivals and events, traditions, and customs unique to Mississippi.

You register here: https://forms.gle/DGWjY1qkHG6nqXBMA


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