Extended deadline 10 December 2023. One Minute Festival: On the Move (Terms and Conditions of Participation ) EN

At the request of a large number of participants, the final date for submission of works was extended until December 10, 2023


General Clauses

1.1. One Minute Festival: On the Move, henceforth referred to as “The Festival”, is an initiative aiming to address and highlight the challenges of displacement. Held in the Republic of Moldova, the festival provides a voice to foster intercultural dialogue, tolerance, and understanding. The initiative aligns with the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) vision, emphasizing the importance of community response and solidarity. One Minute Festivals’ mission is to encourage peaceful coexistence, and highlight the complex issues surrounding displacement and movement. The Festival’s objective is to inspire change and assist in creating  a more inclusive environment that recognizes and values the experiences of all individuals on the move.
1.2. The Festival is organised jointly by the the representation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the Republic of Moldova, in partnership with the Creative Industries Association of Moldova (COR).
1.3. The Festival is an open-platform event, offering an opportunity to participate  through submitting one minute films to the film contest, hereby referred to as “film contest”. Participation in the film contest is free of charge and is open to both amateurs and professionals in the field of filmmaking in the Republic of Moldova, regardless of age, gender, nationality, origin, race, and belief.


1.4. To participate in the film contest, participants must attend the least two out of eight workshops organised by the festival.
1.5 Produce one minute films and submit them in time. Submitted films must adhere to these terms and conditions, be aligned to the On the Move theme and fit within a one-minute duration.

Participation Regulations

2.1. The participation in the film contest is open to everyone referred to as in the General Clause 1.3, except for employees and direct family members of UNHCR and COR.. 
2.2. Children under 18 years-old wishing to participate must obtain explicit authorization from their parents or care givers, provided through film submitting form.
2.3. The contest is open for everyone that has their current legal stay in the Republic of Moldova.

Thematic Regulations

3.1. Submissions must relate to the festival's theme, On the Move. This theme encompasses various aspects of movement, such as forced and voluntary displacement, refugees, their experiences, origins, and effects on individuals and society, without strict limitations. 
3.2. ​​Submissions are expected to narrate engaging and compelling, thought-provoking stories in a single minute. Portraying the experiences, obstacles, and resilience of people on the move. 
3.3. Entries that do not adhere to the thematic direction may be disqualified.

Festival’s Agenda

Opening event

4.1. The Festival will launch with an opening event, hosted on October the 27th, 2023, at 11:00, at Mediacor building Alexei Mateevici Street, USM 60, Chișinău. The opening session will provide a space to get acquainted with Organizers, Mentors and Members of the Jury Committee. To attend the opening event, please complete this form.

Learning and Sharing

4.2. The festival also offers mentorship opportunities to guide willing participants throughout the process. Willing participants can choose a Mentor from among the  facilitators. All workshops participants will benefit from free consultations of Mentors about their films before submitting them.
4.3. The Festival will offer a series of professional workshops free of charge from October 30 till 5th of November 2023.

The  workshops would be organised according to  the following schedule:

  • October 30: Presentation on the latest video equipment in Moldova.
  • October 31: Presentation onSony video cameras. HandsOn, practical lesson.
  • November 1: Svetlana Grossu, Storytelling and Scriptwriting.
  • November 2: Sergiu Pascaru, Film Production.
  • November 3: Alex Bred, Shooting on the Move.
  • November 4: Ilia Crestincov, Post-Production: Video .
  • November 5: Roma Bordei, Post-Production: Audio.
  • November 15: Monica Vazquez, ‘’Forced Displacement”.

Workshops will run from 15:00 to 18:00. At Mediacor (str. Alexei Mateevici, USM 60), Chișinău. 

To participate in the workshops, you must complete this form. 

Submission Requirements

4.5. Both individuals and groups can submit films.
4.6. An individual or group can submit only 1 film.
4.7. Submitted films must have a duration between 1 and 60 seconds. An additional grace time of 3 seconds is allowed. 
4.8. Submitted films can be recorded, animated or AI driven. 
4.9. Acceptable video formats include: .wmv, .mov, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp4, .m4v, .mp4v, .divx, .xvid, .avi, and .h264. 
4.10. Recordings must not exceed a file size of 500 MB. If gifs are submitted, they must not exceed 50 MB. 
4.11. It is the sole responsibility of participants to ensure that their content does not violate copyright laws, privacy rights, and all other relevant legal considerations.
4.12. Submitted films can not be previously or at the same time used for participation in other festivals and contests of similar nature. 

Submission Deadline 

5.1. You can submit your work here till December 1st 2023. Later submission will not be considered.
5.2. Organisers reserve a right to postpone the submission deadline upon prior notification in official resources.

Selection and Prizes

6.1. All submitted films will be evaluated by a Jury Committee represented by experts:

  • Svetlana Grossu - Art Director & Editor, graduate of the New York Film Academy
  • Ilya Crestnicov - Filmmaker & Color Grading Specialist
  • Alex Bred - Filmmaker & Travel Photographer
  • Segiu Pascaru - Film Producer & Professor
  • A representative from UNHCR Moldova
  • A representative of from the Ministry of Culture
  • Alla Prelovska, Kyiv Media Week programming director

6.2. Judging criteria:

  • Thematic Relevance (10 points): How well does the film tackle the On the Move theme? Does it effectively convey a message related to mobility, change, or movement?
  • Storytelling and Narrative (20 points): Assesses the film's ability to tell a captivating story within a minute. Considered factors are plot development, character evolution, and emotional engagement.
  • Creativity and Originality (15 points): Values the uniqueness and innovation of the film. Does it offer a fresh perspective or a creative approach to the subject?
  • Technical Quality (15 points): Examines the technical aspects of the film, including cinematography, sound, editing, and visual effects. Is the film technically well-executed?
  • Impact and Message (20 points): Measures the film's ability to convey a meaningful message or provoke emotions. Did it leave a lasting impression or provoke thought?
  • Aesthetic and Visual Appeal (10 points): Considers the film's visual aesthetics, including composition, lighting, and overall visual attractiveness.
  • Sound and Music (10 points): Evaluates the use of sound effects and music to enhance the film's atmosphere and storytelling.

Scoring system: Each criterion will be scored out of 10, 15, or 20 points as indicated. The jury will assign a score to each film for each criterion. The maximum possible score for a film will be 100 points (the sum of all criterion scores).
The judges will provide feedback and comments to justify the scores given. Using these criteria and scoring system will ensure a fair and detailed evaluation of the films submitted to the festival, ultimately selecting the most prominent winners.

6.3. Three winners of the film contest would be selected by the Jury Committee. 
6.4. The Jury Committee decision on the film contest winners will be published on the Organizers official resources in February 2023.
6.5. Each of three selected participants will be awarded by a Sony camera: 1st place: FX3 Cinema Line 4K Full-frame Camera, 2nd place: X FX30 Cinema Line Super 35mm format ILC, 3rd place: X FX30 Cinema Line Super 35mm format ILC.
6.6.All participants will receive a certificate of participation. 
6.7. The Festival Organisers reserve the right to postpone or cancel the awards if there are not enough quality entries. 
6.8. The finalists from the short list that judges will choose will have the opportunity to showcase their films in 4 community centres for refugees in the republic of Moldova. 

Rights and Responsibilities

7.1. By submitting their films, participants grant the Festival the right to use, reproduce, and publish the submitted films. 
7.2. All submitted content must respect intellectual property rights. This includes music, visual elements, written materials, and video segments. 
7.3. Participants must avoid submitting content that include hate speech against gender, race, or religion.
7.4. All the films that will be submitted are not allowed to be screened or published until the 28th of February 2023.

Granting of Rights for Promotion and Cultural Dissemination

8.1. By participating, content holders grant the Festival certain rights for a period of 5 years (with automatic extension) for promotional and cultural purposes, including:

  • Promoting the festival through the media.
  • Display in cultural spaces both domestically and abroad.
  • Creation of festival catalogues.
  • Promotion on the festival's and partners' websites.
  • Promotion through media partnerships.
  • Promotion on educational platforms affiliated with the festival.
  • Except for pre-agreed cases, reproduction rights are granted.
  • The right to adjust sound and resize credits for display purposes.
  • Content transfer for promoting the festival's platforms.

Creative Commons Licences

8.2. The Festival uses standard Creative Commons licences.
8.3. Participants can choose the type of licence for their content, including those mentioned below:

  • Attribution - CC BY.
  • Attribution-ShareAlike - CC BY-SA.
  • Attribution-NoDerivs - CC BY-ND.
  • Attribution-NonCommercial - CC BY-NC.
  • Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike - CC BY-NC-SA.
  • Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs - CC BY-NC-ND.

Disqualifications and Sanctions

9.1. Participants who fail to comply with the rules and regulations of the contest will be disqualified.
9.2. Entries that contain prohibited, defamatory, or illegal content, or infringe on the rights of others, will be disqualified. 
9.3. Participants will be held responsible for any legal issues arising from their submissions

Final Provisions

10.1. Participation in the contest implies full acceptance of these rules. 
10.2. Any situation not covered by these rules will be resolved by the Festival's Organisation committee, whose decisions are final.

For more details, you can contact us at: info@cor.md or mdach@unhcr.org  with the subject: One Minute Festival: On the Move.


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