HEKS/EPER - Terms of reference for the selection of an expert(s) to deliver training sessions on topics essential for socio-economic inclusion

GENERAL CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND: HEKS/EPER is a Swiss INGO founded in 1946. HEKS/EPER is supporting local partner organizations with around 200 projects in 34 key countries worldwide. HEKS/EPER Moldova Office cooperates with NGO active in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid.

HEKS/EPER is active in the Republic of Moldova since 2004 and the latest Country Program 2016-2020 was aiming at improving the living conditions for people in the rural areas of the Republic of Moldova. The focus on the rural areas addressed the disparities and inequalities in development of urban and rural areas in Moldova.

The conflict in Ukraine has created a regional humanitarian crisis. Moldova is one of the main refugee-hosting countries and a transit country for onwards. As of 15 June, 498’896 people have entered Moldova from Ukraine, of which 85’948 Ukrainian refugees and 3’873 third-country nationals have remained in the Republic of Moldova. The number of persons arriving from Ukraine into the Republic of Moldova has fluctuated since the escalation of the war in Ukraine.

Due to such a context and knowing that HEKS/EPER has previous experience in the country by supporting local partners, it has been decided to start a humanitarian programme. HEKS/EPER implements projects through well-known local partners supported by HEKS/EPER in the last 15 years.

Role Description: Since June 2023, HEKS EPER is implementing the project ,,Achieving Resilience through Employment, Skills Development, and Social Cohesion Opportunities in Moldova’’ in partnership with Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation and Norvegian Refugee Council.

The project aims to foster social cohesion between vulnerable locals and Ukrainian refugees and the socio-economic integration on the Moldovan labor market. During the project, will be organized training sessions and social cohesion meetings for vulnerable Moldovans and refugees from Ukraine, representatives of National Employment Agency and territorial subdivision of social assistance.

In this regard, we are looking for different trainers to facilitate sessions through the program. The contract period for the above services is September 2024 - June 2025. These sessions are designed to enhance participants' skills in areas critical to personal and professional success. The sessions will be held from September 2024 to June 2025 in various regions of Moldova (Chisinau, Cahul, Comrat, Balti), depending on the availability of participants.

Training Topics:

  1. Psychosocial support
  • Stress management
  • Adaptive emotional responses to crisis situations
  • Recognizing signs of distress and burn-out
  • Assertive communication as an essential skill for personal and professional development
  • Personal, cognitive and interpersonal development
  • Addressing social challenges (community-based interventions)
  1. Employment
  • Assertive communication of professional competence
  • Personal and Professional Branding
  • Online product promotion
  • From Idea to Business
  • CV and Cover letter design technics
  • Employment research technics
  • Interview skills development
  • Time-management, with a focus on remote working
  • Working as a freelancer, legal framework in Moldova
  • Internal and external communication technics
  1. Inclusion
  • Legal framework on non-discrimination in Moldova
  • Financial Education
  • Other topics


  • Developing course materials and teaching methodologies;
  • Conduct sessions in an interactive and accessible manner.;
  • Adapting the content to the specific needs of the target group;
  • Participating at feedback session with the staff;
  • Willingness to travel to target areas for training sessions;
  • Work closely with the Program Officer and other team members to ensure training objectives are met.


  • Education: completed university degree in psychology, law, economics and related fields.
  • Relevant experience: Minimum 3 years of experience in the mentioned training areas or in adult vocational training. Ability to conduct trainings in Romanian and Russian.
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills: Ability to inspire and motivate participants.
  • Flexibility: Willingness to work with diverse groups, including older people and refugees.
  • Organizational skills: Effective time and resource management to ensure quality delivery of each session.

Eligibility requirements:

  • CV of the applicant;
  • Financial offer per a day training or half day training;
  • Proposed methodology.

How to apply: Interested applicants are asked to send an updated CV, a proposed Methodology and financial offer to olesea.badia@heks-eper.org by September 18. Please mention in the email subject line for which specialization you are applying.

For more information, feel free to contact Silvia Bogonovschi – Program Officer, at silvia.bogonovschi@heks-eper.org or 061016446.

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