Centru de Drept al Avocatilor hires consultant in the improving the legislation in the field of labor relations for the Implementation Unit within MLSP

Centru de Drept al Avocatilor hires consultant in the improving the legislation in the field of labor relations for the Implementation Unit within MLSP


Job title:

Consultant in the improving the legislation in the field of labor relation

Place of service:


Type of contract:

Full-time service contract until 31.12.2024


Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family

Publication date:

July 22, 2024

Deadline for submitting CV:

August 2, 2024


Following the decision of the European Council of December 2023 regarding the opening of accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova and obtaining the status of a candidate country for EU accession, national institutions must strengthen their efforts to advance the EU integration process and accelerate reforms.

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova continues to pursue its goal of improving labor law in accordance with EU legislation and requirements, including regulating labor law to ensure the same rights, guarantees and obligations of employees – citizens of Republic of Moldova, foreign citizens (including refugees).

Therefore, an expert is needed in the analysis and expertise of national legislation in the field of labor to improve it including the EU acquis



  • Comprehensive analysis of the provisions of the current labor legislation of the Republic of Moldova, especially the Labor Code no. 154/2003;
  • Identification of gaps in labor legislation, especially in the Labor Code no. 154/2003;
  • Analysis of the EU regulatory framework in the field of labor relations regulation;
  • Documenting the Conventions of the International Labor Organization and the provisions of the Social Charter in the field of labor relations ratified by the Republic of Moldova;
  • Expertise of the EU countries' experience regarding the best practices for regulating labor relations in order to incorporate them into the Labor Code of the Republic of Moldova and its related legislation;
  • Identification of normative acts/law articles that must be amended in connection with the improvement of the Labor Code;
  • Elaboration of concrete recommendations to improvement of the Labor Code of the Republic of Moldova;
  • Elaboration of the draft normative act regarding the modification of the Labor Code and related legislation, taking into account the provisions of the EU acts, the provisions of the Conventions of the International Labor Organization ratified by the Republic of Moldova and the provisions of the Social Charter in the field of labor relations ratified by the Republic of Moldova;
  • Elaboration of documents related to the project of normative act: informative note, comparative table, synthesis of proposals, etc.
  • Development of progress indicators and the analysis of implementation risks related to the proposals for amending the normative acts;
  • Reflect the mechanism for monitoring and reporting the results of the implementation of the changes made to the Labor Code.
  • Ensuring the argumentation of the need to improve the Labor Code;
  • Communication/collaboration with the social partners – representatives of employers and representatives of employees (unions) in the process of improving the Labor Code, including participation in discussions on the subject.

Required Qualifications and Experience

  • An advanced university degree (master’s level or above) in law, human resources, public administration or other relevant fields.
  • At least 5 years of relevant professional experience, working in the field of labor relations.
  • Working experience with a central public authority is preferred.
  • Good knowledge of the labor law.
  • Good knowledge of computer skills.
  • Excellent analytical skills/expertise and experience in drafting normative acts.
  • Advanced level of English with a strong ability to speak and write reports is required.

Performance indicators

  1. Quality of work
  2. Flexibility in responding to MoLSP and UNHCR requests
  3. Informative note;
  4. Comparative table
  5. Projects of new Labor law elaborated
  6. Synthesis of proposals



  • Flexibility, solutions-oriented, good negotiation skills.
  • Good organizational and managerial skills.
  • Ability to work independently, as well as part of a diverse and multi-sectoral team.
  • Ability to keep calm under pressure when interacting with external counterparts, as well as a
  • member of a team.
  • Good understanding and compliance to supervisory and reporting lines.
  • Ability to establish and maintain good working relations with relevant Government and Nongovernmental counterparts and international organizations.

CDA is committed to ensuring the diversity of the workforce. Women and men, people with disabilities, Roma and other ethnic or religious minorities, people living with HIV, LGBTQI+, as well as refugees and other people who have the legal right to work in the Republic of Moldova are encouraged to apply.

Please provide details in your CV of previous employment and two references.


Please send a cover letter and CV to law-center@cda.md, indicating the position applied for. Selected applicants will be contacted by email.

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