Specific procurement notice Request for quotations – Picosecond laser Ref . No. MD-STATEUNI-477430-GO-RFQ

Specific procurement notice

Request for quotations – Goods

Country: Republic of Moldova

Institution: Public Institution Moldova State University

Project title: Physics practicum: modern equipment and advanced technologies/ ADVANCEDPHYS

Project ID: P167790

  • Object of the purchase: Picosecond laser
  • Ref . No. MD-STATEUNI-477430-GO-RFQ


  1. Public Institution Moldova State University received sub-funding from the Ministry of Education

and Research of the Republic of Moldova within the Higher Education Improvement Program in Moldova, implemented within the project "Higher Education in Moldova" and intends to use part of these financial means for payments under the Sub-financing Agreement No. MD-MOED-6542-ASF-U2-06 of 27.11.2023 for the implementation of the subproject Physics practicum: modern equipment and advanced technologies/ ADVANCEDPHYS.

  1. Under Sub-financing Agreement MD-MOED-6542-ASF-U2-06, part of the allocated funds will be used to finance the contract(s) awarded for the procurement of Picosecond laser.
  2. The Public Institution Moldova State University invites eligible economic operators to submit sealed bids for the purchase of:

Lot 1 - Laser


Goods name

Quantity (pieces)


Tunable Wavelength Pulsed Picоsecоnd Laser


  1. The procurement will be conducted through a Request for Quotation (RFQ) procedure, as specified in the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Financing Borrowers – Procurement under Investment Projects with Financing of Goods, Works, Non-Consulting Services and Consulting”, dated July 1, 2016, revised on November 1, 2017 and August 1, 2018 (hereinafter referred to as the “Procurement Regulations”). procurement”); and is open to all eligible bidders, as defined in the Procurement Regulation .
  1. Interested eligible bidders may obtain additional information and request procurement documents


Moldova State University

Address: 60 Alexei Mateevici Street, Block 4A

Floor/office number: 2nd floor, office 217

Municipality: Chisinau

Postal code: MD - 2009

Country: Republic of Moldova

Phone: +373 67560223

Email: procurement.wb@usm.md

Alexandru Gherman, project manager

  1. Bids must be submitted to the address below:


Office 217, building 4A, 60 Alexei Mateevici str., MD-2009, Chișinău,

Republic of Moldova

Tel.: + (373) 67560223

Alexandru Gherman, project manager

until 11.04.2025 , 11:00 a.m.


Late offers, submitted after the deadline indicated above, will be rejected .


  1. The submitted offers will be valid for a period of 60 days from the deadline for submission of offers.






Signature __________________________________

                                                ALEXANDru GhERMAN


Banner Audit Juridic CICO 300 x 250 px 2


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