Re-opened - Digital Media Monitoring Tool

This is a re-opened tender.

Moldova Resilience Initiative (MRI) implemented by Management Systems International and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) respectfully requests quotations from qualified vendors to customize a localized social media and traditional online media listening dashboard for tracking the online narratives (posts, articles) posted in Romanian, Russian and English languages.

Anticipated delivery date(s): November 1, 2023 – October 31, 2024 (12 months).

Place of performance/delivery: Moldova.

We are kindly requestion you to either apply via MSI online procurement platform Management Systems International, Inc. ( or send us the following documents to by October 29, 2023, 10:00AM Moldova time:

  1. Company’s profile with a focus on information regarding similar experience.
  2. Copy of Company’s Registration Certificate.
  3. Copy of business license if applicable.
  4. Source, Nationality, and Availability for Purchase form filled and signed.
  5. Description of services, and timeline.
  6. Information about Key staff involved with relevant dashboard customizing services and their certifications: CVs, diplomas, licenses (if applicable) to be attached and qualification of Staff to be involved: please specify the years of experience in the required area.
  7. Past performance information providing services to government institutions or for public sector use – 3 relevant reference letters from the last 3 years related to similar services. Contact details of reference providers should be included. Information on subcontractors (copy of registration certificate, licenses if applicable, relevant experience) if applicable.
  8. Financial quotation in USD only, without VAT, based on a detailed costs breakdown. No other currencies accepted.

For more details, please download the revised RFQ solicitation document.

Management Systems International (MSI) is a Washington, D.C.-based development firm founded in1981 with a corporate commitment to improving public sector management in the U.S. and abroad.MSI’s technical expertise includes implementation of a range of analytical and field projects in results-based management including strategic planning and program performance monitoring and reporting, monitoring and evaluation, policy implementation, institutional development, and training.

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