Solidarites International (SI), CSOs Invitation for Proposals to “Strengthening social cohesion and resilience of Moldovan society to the challenges of hosting Ukrainian refugees”

The purpose of the Invitation for Proposals is to identify eligible Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) for prospective partnership with Solidarites International (SI) within the frame of SYNERGIES Consortium funded by the Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD) and Fondation de France (FdF). SYNERGIES Moldova is composed by Solidarites International (SI), Medecins du Monde (MDM) and Humanity & Inclusion (HI).

CSOs are invited to submit proposals for partnership to "Strengthening social cohesion and resilience of Moldovan society to the challenges of hosting Ukrainian refugees "

CSOs that wish to participate in this Invitation for Proposals are requested to submit the signed and scanned PDF copies , with the subject line " CSO Invitation for Proposals Ref: " Strengthening social cohesion and resilience of Moldovan society to the challenges of hosting Ukrainian refugees " at the following email address: by: Thursday, 26 January 2023

  • Applications must be submitted in English
  • Eligibility period of funding: 12 months from 01 March 2023
  • Financial proposals as per the annex 3 (dedicated costs: implementation of activities, human resources dedicated to the project) and support costs (logistic and administrative costs, human resources not dedicated to the project)

Any requests for additional information should be addressed in writing by Thursday 19 January 2023 at the latest to the following e-mail address: with the following subject line: "CSO Invitation for Proposals Ref: "Strengthening social cohesion and resilience of Moldovan society to the challenges of hosting Ukrainian refugees" AND responses to any queries or clarification requests will be made available to all online before the deadline for submission of applications.

Four (4) lots have been defined as the following and developed in section 1.3; CSOs can apply to a maximum of two (2) lots; Partner's proposals may co-finance similar existing projects to achieve the expected outcomes of project proposals

  • Lot 1: Early Childhood
  • Lot 2: Education
  • Lot 3: Inclusion and Livelihood
  • Lot 4: Social and Legal Counseling

CSO applicants must propose a proposal in the template provided in the annex 1. This proposal will detail the activities proposed by the CSO applicant that will contribute to each of the outcomes specified in part 1.3 'specific results'. The proposed activities must respect the following programmatic criteria:

  • Be in line with the Moldovan technical, legal framework and National Plan
  • Target areas (Raion, towns and villages) where the presence of Ukrainian refugees is known
  • Have as beneficiary population both Ukrainian refugees and Moldovan nationals identified on the basis of socio-economic vulnerability criteria

Applications will be assessed by a Strategic Committee to identify CSOs that have the mandate, capacities and comparative advantage to support the achievement of results for beneficiaries using the criteria outlined in section 3 below. It should be noted however that participation in this Invitation for Proposals does not guarantee the CSO will be ultimately selected for partnership with SI. Selected NGOs will be invited to review and finalize partnership agreements in accordance with criteria outlined in section 3.4 below and applicable SI policy and procedures on partnership with CSOs.

Applicant CSOs will be informed of the outcome of their submissions by communication sent out to the email/postal address that is indicated in the CSO submission.

Section 1: Background

Since 1980, the INGO Solidarites International (SI) assists populations affected by conflicts and violence, epidemics, natural or climate-related disasters and economic collapse. Our humanitarian teams are committed to helping people whose lives, health and security are threatened, by meeting their most vital needs.

SI is registered and operational in Moldova since March 2022 and started humanitarian interventions in the sector of Water Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH) and Food Security and Livelihood (FSL). Emergency projects are still ongoing in Moldova through the provision of daily hot meals in RACs (Refugee Accommodation Centres), CASH assistance targeting Moldovan families hosting Ukrainian refugees and WASH services (Palanca and Otaci bus stations, border crossing points and RACs).

Through this Invitation for Proposals SI is willing to develop projects strengthening the social cohesion and resilience of the Moldovan society in its efforts to host Ukrainian refugees in the country.  

Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, over 714,600 people, mostly women and children, fleeing the war have entered Moldova. Most of them transit through Moldova to continue their journey to Romania and other destinations or to return to Ukraine. It is estimated at the end of November 2022 that more than 98,000 Ukrainians are present in Moldova; 67% are female, 39% have children under the age of 18.

The Government of Moldova, local organizations, charities, volunteers and local civil society organizations have all been extremely active and central in the response to the needs of the refugees. They provided shelter, food, clothing, transportation, access to services and in some cases employment. However, local response capacities were stretched to their limit and financial reserves depleted. Moldova is fragile for multiple reasons. The country is severely affected by the global energy crisis and increase in food prices, gas and electricity, further exacerbated by the economic impact of the conflict in Ukraine.


The Government of Moldova allowed refugee children to enroll in the Moldovan formal education system. Some of the refugee children take advantage of this, while others continue within the Ukrainian formal education system, through distance learning. There is a need to support effective access and retention of children in the formal education system should they wish to enroll.

The integration of Ukrainian refugee students into the public system faces several difficulties: the problem of the language of learning (Romanian and/or Russian), the displacement of the population at the beginning of 2022 breaking the usual cycle of school terms, and the uncertainty of the duration of the conflict which could have allowed a return to Ukraine. These factors have limited the integration of schoolchildren into schools in the current school year 2022-2023.

Latest figures from the Ministry of Education and Research (MER) mentioned in November 2022 that the number of children enrolled in schools and kindergartens is stable, varying between 1,150-1,160 in 224 schools, and 650-670 in 226 kindergartens.


The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (MLSP) informed about the legal aspects related to the employment of Ukrainian refugees in the Republic of Moldova. As per the current Government Decision on exceptional situations, persons for Ukrainians can secure employment without the necessity to have a work permit (exception from Law 200/2010 regarding the status of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova). So lighthouse, approx. 900 Ukrainian refugees have been reported as hired by the private sector in Moldova. There is a need to support effective access to employment to the Ukrainian refugee families installed in Moldova.


Several support and counseling initiatives have been set up at the earliest stage of the arrival of Ukrainian refugees in Moldova by the Civil Society, the Government of Moldova, and the support of UN Agencies. Guiding refugee families through a difficult situation or in dealing with an unusual problem, whether administrative or legal, remains a priority to ensure that refugees are able to cope with the challenges they face.

The Invitation for Proposals is willing to support CSOs in the sectors of Education, Inclusion & Livelihood and Social and Legal Counseling to support Ukrainian refugees in Moldova.

Expected outcomes, indicators and monitoring of indicators as well as the financial ceiling envelopes have been identified by sector to provide guidance to CSOs in the implementation of activities.


Lot 1: Early Childhood:

  • Outcome 1: The capacity of early childhood services is strengthened to meet the needs of national and refugee populations
  • Monitoring indicator: 600 Ukrainian and Moldovan children aged 0-3 years are enrolled in day care during the project
  • Activities may include the provision of qualified personnel in support, but also the provision of any type of equipment that may facilitate the production of the service (furniture, small rehabilitation works, educational materials, etc.). Particular attention will be paid to the access of families with disabled children and the social protection supports available to these families.
  • Financial ceiling envelope up to €110,000

Lot 2: Primary and secondary education:

  • Outcome 2: The capacity of primary and secondary education services is strengthened to meet the needs of Ukrainians in school age
  • Monitoring indicator: a minimum of 12 schools receives technical and material support which benefit both Moldovan and Ukrainian school population
  • 6,900 Ukrainian refugee and Moldavian children in school age (this number will be adjusted according to the number of students registered in the targeted school) will benefit from this education support at the end of the project
  • Activities may include the provision of qualified personnel in support, but also the provision of any type of equipment that may facilitate the production of the service (furniture, small rehabilitation works, educational materials, dedicated and equipped school spaces/ classroom for distance learning, accessible educational environment for children with disabilities, etc.). Particular attention will be paid to the access of families with children with disabilities and the social protection supports available to these families. Extra scholarly activities (sport, events, summer camps, including participatory activities, accessible play, etc.) which will benefit the promotion of social cohesion are part of the outcome 2.  
  • Financial ceiling envelope up to €270,000


Lot 3: Access to employment

  • Outcome 3: Access to employment for the most vulnerable refugees in Moldovan society is improved
  • Monitoring indicator: 1,000 Ukrainian refugees and Moldovan nationals are supported to enter the labor market or to improve their skills
  • Activities may include the learning of the Romanian language, short vocational training courses to meet the needs of the Moldovan labor market, a support in finding a job through CV writing and access to labor market information portals
  • Financial ceiling envelope up to €100,000


Lot 4: Access to social & legal services

  • Outcome 4: Access to legal services for the most vulnerable refugees in Moldovan society is improved
  • Monitoring indicator: 1,000 Ukrainian refugees and Moldovan nationals receive socio-legal support at the end of the project
  • Activities may include any type of legal, administrative and social assistance (support groups, counseling, psycho-social assistance) allowing a better integration of refugee families in Moldova
  • Financial ceiling envelope up to €100,000


Section 2: Application requirements and timelines

2.1 Documentation required for the submission

2.2 Indicative timelines

Call for Proposal issue date

26 December 2022

Deadline for submissions of CSO proposals

26 January 2023

Deadline for requests of additional information/clarifications

19 January 2023

Review of CSO submissions

31 Jan & 1 Feb 2023

Notification of results communicated to CSO

03 February 2023

Section 3: Process and timelines

3.1 Review & evaluation of CSO submissions

CSO submissions will be assessed by a Strategic Committee, using the criteria outlined in section 3.2 and 3.3 below.

Only CSO submissions which comply with the requirements of the eligibility and exclusion criteria will be eligible for further evaluation.

Results from the review will be used for purposes of mapping and selection of CSOs in relation to the specific results outlined in section 1.3 above.

It should be noted that participation in this Invitation for Proposals however does not guarantee CSOs will be ultimately selected for a partnership agreement. SI reserves the right to invite selected partners to review and finalize proposals for partnerships in line with criteria outlined in section 3.4 below and in accordance with applicable policy and procedures on partnership with CSOs.

3.2 Eligibility & exclusion criteria

· Eligibility criteria:

CSO must:

a) be registered in the country of origin and in Moldova;

b) not be an entity named on any of the UN Security Council targeted sanction lists.

· Exclusion criteria

CSO submission which:

a) does not appear in scanned PDF documents or electronically signed PDF documents.

b) are not sent to the indicated email address: before the specified deadline;

c) do not include all required documents duly completed and signed or do not comply with specifications set in this Invitation for Proposals;

d) is not submitted in English;

will be excluded from the selection process.

 3.3 Selection criteria

The Strategic Committee will review evidence provided by the CSO submission and assess applications based on the following criteria: 

Proposal relevance, quality and coherence (60%)

For specific criteria can also be allocated a certain number of points instead of percentage

Includes review of the proposed program:

· Relevance of proposal to achieving expected results;- (10%)

· Clarity of activities and expected results; (10%)

· Sustainability of intervention; (10%)

· Adequacy and clarity of proposed budget (including contribution by CSO if any) (10%)

· cost-efficiency for the expected results and the number of potential beneficiaries – (10%)

· Level of Impact, geographical coverage (5%)

· Demonstration of the understanding of cross cutting intersectional issues related to gender, age and disability (5%)

Institutional capacity and sustainability (40%)

Includes a review of the CSO:

· Expertise and experience in the sector/area; (10%)

· Local experience, presence, and community relations; (10%)

· Management ability; (10%)

· Experience working with INGOs or other relevant partners; (5%)

· Experience in working in one of the following fields: Education, Inclusion & Livelihood and Social & Legal Counseling (5%)