USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) - Invitation Presentation and Questions & Answers Session - Solicitation of Grant Proposals for Improving the Business Climate and Public Services in Moldova

USAID MISRA is pleased to invite interested organizations to the Presentation and Questions & Answers Session for the Annual Program Statement - Solicitation of Grant Proposals for Improving the Business Climate and Public Services in Moldova.

Nathan Inc., as prime contractor of the U.S. Agency for International Development-funded project Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA), is seeking Concept Papers from entities to propose initiatives that contribute to an improved business climate through reforms in transport, logistics, trade, customs or tax services, or commerce. Proposals may include novel ideas and approaches that would improve public services, transparency and accountability, digitalization, improved public-private sector coordination, access to information, access to finance, communications, research, or private sector innovations that also leverage reforms. Ideas are encouraged that: include private sector coordination with government stakeholders; would have a positive impact on doing business in Moldova; and/or that would strengthen inclusion, including of marginalized groups and the participation of women in business or women-owned or operated businesses.

Applicants may submit a proposal for a grant award of up to $150,000. Application requirements and review criteria are outlined in the APS.

The full text of APS and Grant Concept Paper can be found here:

Concept Papers will be accepted on a rolling basis from January 16, 2023 to June 30, 2023 and will be reviewed by the Grants Review Committee (GRC) in the order they are received.

A total of one million US Dollars is allocated for this Call for Proposals, therefore, early applications are strongly encouraged, as the funds might be awarded to winning entities sooner than June 30.

The session will take place in a hybrid format, offline at MISRA office, address Serghei Lazo 38, 4th floor, Chisinau and online.

Please register for the session at the e-mail address:, specifying your way of presence by March 20, 2023, 10.00 Chisinau time.

For accessing the session online, please access the link:

Meeting ID: 296 927 122 894
Passcode: vhrZkC