Movie Screening and Discussion Session | Rachel Carson:The Woman Who Launched the Modern Environment

On April 22, the world celebrates Earth Day.

On this occasion, we reflect more on the causes and risks of pollution, as well as the changes we can make to protect the environment.

America House Chisinau is inviting you to watch and discuss the movie that illuminates both the public and private life of Rachel Carson, the woman who launched the modern environmental movement and revolutionized how we understand our relationship with the natural world.

In 1962, Rachel Carson published “Silent Spring”, a book warning about the long-term dangers of pesticides. Although her book unleashed an extraordinary national debate and was greeted by vigorous attacks from the chemical industry, it inspired President John F. Kennedy to launch the first-ever investigation into the public health effects of pesticides - an investigation that would eventually result in new laws governing the regulation of these deadly agents.

Registration Form:

The event will be on-site, at our office situated on Mitropolit Bănulescu Bodoni 27 str. mun. Chișinău, in our equipped with a projector with resolution and a large screen space.

Event covers February 2022 Instagram Post 12