Call for the Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellowship program 2022

We are looking for aspiring young leaders who want to work with American and other European youth to build a network that will lead to a lifetime of change!

Is this you? Then, apply by February 20th, 2022 for your chance to take part in the prestigious Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellowship exchange program in the United States during the summer of 2022!

The 2022 Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellowship will last four weeks from June 25 to July 23, 2022, at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. All costs of the participants will be covered.

The four-week program will enable students, who are 18 years old, and born between June 26, 2003 and June 26, 2004, to explore U.S. foreign policy priorities such as youth engagement, support for democracy and civil society, and economic prosperity.  The program will consist of a series of lectures, seminar discussions and presentations, and a broad assortment of practical, faculty- and mentor-led workshops.  The coursework and classroom activities will be complemented by community service activities, site visits, social and cultural activities, and home-stays with American families to deepen participants’ experience of U.S. society during their exchange.

The in-person on-campus exchange is contingent upon the safety and feasibility of in-person programming and travel.  A virtual program option may be available if in-person programming is not possible due to the global health pandemic.

For eligibility requirements and more information on the program please visit:

and more information on the program

To apply please submit by February 20, 2022 to:

  • Essay outlining your interest in the program and a project you would like to implement upon completion of the program
  • Essay “What does diversity mean for you?”
  • Resume (including list of activities, projects and experiences)