Call for Application Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program 2022-2023

The Embassy of the United States of America in Moldova is pleased to announce the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program competition for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Application Deadline: October 17, 2021


The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program offers non-degree research grants for senior researchers, university lecturers, or experts in different fields who have a doctoral degree or equivalent professional experience. The program accepts candidates from the arts and humanities, social sciences, STEM and applied sciences. Grants are awarded for a period from three to nine months. It is not required, but in many cases, applicants are in contact with colleagues at U.S. institutions and have made preliminary plans for their own placements by securing a letter of invitation from the prospective host institution.

All applicants must currently be affiliated with one of the higher education or research institutions in Moldova.  In addition, all qualified applicants are expected to have the capacity and commitment to take full advantage of the program of research at a U.S. university, and be willing to share their experience and knowledge after returning to Moldova.  The Fulbright experience should be of value not only to the scholar, but also to the scholar’s home university – its students and faculty – as well as to the U.S. host institution.

Grants are awarded for a period from three to nine months. It is not required, but in many cases, applicants are in contact with colleagues at U.S. institutions and have made preliminary plans for their own placements by securing a letter of invitation from the prospective host institution.

Usually, the program is announced in April with on-line applications due by June 1.

To qualify for the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program, an applicant must:

  • must have citizenship and live permanently in the Republic of Moldova (permanent residents of the Transnistrian region may be considered regardless of citizenship)
  • be eligible for a U.S. J-1 visa. Program participants must return to and reside in Moldova for two years after completion of their programs.
  • hold a doctoral degree or equivalent experience at the time of application
  • suggest a feasible research project
  • demonstrate sufficient proficiency in the English language to carry out the research project
  • receive a satisfactory medical clearance.

Please note:

  • Researchers in medicine, dental medicine, veterinary medicine, nursing and other fields whose research proposals include clinical contact with patients are not eligible for Fulbright grants. Candidates with medical degrees are not allowed to pursue medical residencies or internships in the United States as Fulbright Fellows.
  • Persons desiring permanent residence in the United States are not eligible.

How to apply

Instructions for completing the application can be downloaded here (PDF 769 KB)

Online application for 2022-2023 academic year:

It includes the following:

  • Detailed statement of proposed activity for research in the United States
  • Letter from employer confirming employment in Moldova (in English)
  • Detailed Curriculum Vitae (resume)
  • Three (3) Letters of Reference
  • Bibliography
  • Letter of invitation from U.S. Institution (if available)
  • Copy of passport

Only short-listed candidates will be interviewed, and the final selection and placement will be made in the spring of 2022.

Any application submitted to the United States or elsewhere, separate from the official U.S. Embassy online system noted above, will not be considered.

If you have questions, please write to:

Prospective Fulbright participants should be aware that public health conditions, availability of consular services and travel, as well as U.S. institutional operating status and policies may affect their ability to travel to the U.S. and participate in academic programs.


For FAQs please access this link: