Call for Expression of Interest: EBRD SME F&D Group is hiring a Consultant for development and implementation of communication and visibility campaign


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“the EBRD”) supports the economic transition to an open market economy by fostering enterprise change in small and medium-sized enterprises (“SMEs”) and developing the local consultancy market to achieve a sustainable support structure of business advisory services in its countries of operation.

National Development Strategy “Moldova 2030” foresees as one of its core pillars development of a sustainable and inclusive economy through 1) increasing revenues from sustainable sources and relief of economic inequality; 2) better access to physical infrastructure, public utilities and living conditions and 3) improvement of working conditions and reduction of informal employment.

Atop the established broad priorities for Moldova, specific effort is put by all stakeholders into alleviation of the consequences the COVID-19 pandemic and Russian invasion of Ukraine had on all sectors of the economy. The new realities dictated by the series of crises highlighted particular importance of digitization, support to vulnerable and most affected groups as well as persistent gender disparities.

With donor support from the EU,  Sweden, the Central European Initiative (CEI) and the EBRD Shareholder Special Fund (SSF), the EBRD SME Finance & Development (SME F&D) Moldova team plans to implement dedicated visibility and communication activities with the objective to raise awareness about the available donor support and assistance to SMEs. These activities are aimed at dissemination of best practices and promoting the relevance of advisory services via visibility events, as well as to publicly acknowledge donors’ financial contributions.

The proposed activities consist of online and offline events (to be aligned to enforced regulations at the time of implementation) as well as media communications designed to achieve the visibility goals set by the abovementioned agreements through trainings for SMEs and consultants, webinars, meet-ups and consistent social media presence to showcase the impact of successful advisory projects as well as best practices in the field. The proposed activities will target existing and potential beneficiaries, local consultants, government and international development stakeholders, partner institutions and the media. Specific focus of the events and communication topics will be put on the national economic development priorities and the EBRD’s development priorities: access to finance for SMEs, digitization of business and green and inclusive economy. 


The overall objective of the Assignment is to raise awareness of the EBRD SME support instruments under the donors’ support and to facilitate SMEs business development through communication and visibility.

Specific objectives include:

  • Highlight the potential contribution of the EBRD and its donors to the development of the SME sector;
  • Increase awareness and understanding of consultancy services value;
  • Raise awareness of SME support infrastructure;
  • Share best practices and know-how in local consultancy;
  • Promote green, digital and inclusive economy solutions;
  • Attract eligible applications for the EBRD SME F&D support from potential client enterprises.

The Consultant shall deliver the following services under the Assignment:

1. Public relations related tasks and KPIs:





-      Conduct the initial assessment, including the Strategic session with EBRD team

-      Develop the Communication goals and Action Plan

-  At least 1045 SMEs reached via digital means


-  At least 40,000 people reached through posts on EBRD ASB Moldova Facebook page;

-  At least 250 new followers for EBRD ASB Moldova LinkedIn page;

-  At least 10% increase in media coverage featuring EU and Sweden donor support;

-  At least 10% increase in media coverage featuring CEI donor support;

-  50 - 60 new social media posts featuring EU donor support, including 15 - 20 new social media posts featuring EU WiB donor support;

-  7 – 15 new social media posts featuring CEI donor support;



-         Ensure regular publications (comments, articles, interviews, etc.) in leading national and local business mass-media (printed press, on-line media, TV): arrange interviews, media briefings for EBRD and its stakeholders (donors, consultants and SMEs); draft and distribute press releases, news; write articles – success stories;

-         Implement media monitoring: press clipping;

-         Develop case studies as part of articles, multimedia presentations, text content adopted to using in social networks, media, individual interviews, government relations (GR) communication and special events for target audiences.

-         Adapt local language versions of the EBRD materials including texts to be placed on-line.


The SME F&D Moldova social media accounts turnkey support and management (Facebook, LinkedIn), including creating and placing new content at least 2 times per week (holidays periods could be an exception), managing comments and direct messages, provide analytics, manage promotions, etc.

2. Event management support related tasks and KPIs:




EVENT SUPPORT (list of events is below)

-         Elaborate creative concept, suggest speakers;

-         Select technical platform and provide technical support;

-         Write and disseminate invitations/announcements;

-         Attract and register participants, send reminders;

-         Prepare/edit speaking notes and/or presentations for the EBRD in line with the EBRD guidelines; Conduct  photo shooting upon request;

-         Orgnaise interpretation;

-         Provide participant lists;

-         Collect participants’ feedback.

Support in developing creative concept, design and, identify and invite the target audience, preparation of the invitations, agendas, arrange technical support, venues, interpretation and photo when relevant.

-  At least 15 WiB –led SMEs reached through dedicated events;


-  At least 35 business consultants reached through dedicated events;


-  At least 25 refugees reached through refugees support events;


-  At least 25 youth –led SMEs reached through visibility activities;


-  At least 75 SMEs reached through trainings/ workshops.

The preliminary list[1] of events to be organized within this Assignment are:




Description / Topics to be covered


Trainings/Workshops for SMEs

5 - 8

WiB pitching and presentation workshop

Financial Management training

Trainings for consultants on SME digitisation and DCFTA

Trainings for refugees

Others, as per market demand


Client Visits

2 - 4

Visits to supported companies to showcase impact of consultancy projects


Meet-ups, masterclasses, roundtables, presentations and other visibility events as per EBRD SME F&D request

2 - 8

Brief offline or online events that will bring experts and stakeholders face-to-face with entrepreneurs to cover topics of interest, or will share certain EBRD milestones reached, for ex, results of Blue Ribbon or Star Venture Programmes

There are three main audiences for EBRD communications and visibility in Moldova:

 i.         SMEs / Consultants

A core audience of the activities are SMEs across the country that might be potential beneficiaries of the programme and consultancy companies that could provide relevant expertize and know-how A key purpose is therefore to explain benefits of using EBRD’s advisory toolkit and where possible inform about EBRD financial products including those implemented by Partner Financial Institution. The activities shall result in an increased number of applications for advisory support and better awareness of EBRD products in PFIs. Primary focus to be put on companies led by women and youth, exporters of goods and services, businesses affected by the war on Ukraine, companies focused on implementation of green technology and the ones embracing digitization in traditional sectors as well as breakthrough technology development. SMEs from both rural and urban locations to be addressed, including Gagauzia and Transnistria regions.   

ii.         Donors and other stakeholders

The success of the programme relies on close cooperation with donor organizations. They require adequate visibility for contributions. Correct use of logos, disclaimers on all marketing materials will be followed. Evidence of donor visibility, such as media coverage, official notices and press releases, reports and publications referring to the projects to be collected. Many of the activities will involve close cooperation with other stakeholders like government organizations, international organizations and business associations. At every stage, synergy with the visibility activities of partner organizations will be sought to maximize impact.

iii.        Media

EBRD targets to build positive relations with the media and get the maximum amount of coverage and visibility for its programmes. The planned market development activities will involve media contacts where relevant. Focus will be made on case studies where real stories show the positive affect of EBRD and Donors efforts on the individual companies and the region.

The Consultant will be responsible for the management functions of the Assignment, including monitoring, marketing, communication, visibility, reporting and completion within time and budget.

The Consultant is expected to provide the EBRD with detailed recommendations on increasing awareness  among  stakeholders to better respond to potential clients’ needs. As the result of the Assignment, it is expected that :

  • The Action Plan is developed and systematic activity is launched in accordance with these documents.
  • The constant progress of the communication activities is monitored and reported to the EBRD on a regularly basis.
  • All available digital and offline communication channels work systematically and provide with the high level of audience engagement.
  • All relevant EBRD implemented activities aimed at SME support are covered in online and offline media qualitatively and on time.
  • All relevant target audience stated in the Assignment covered by online and offline media and are informed on the opportunities existing for SMEs under the EU, Sweden,  CEI and ESSF funds.
  • The EBRD and the donors have regular coverage in online and offline media throughout the implementation period and, thus, stimulate interest from potential participants.

The Consultant is expected to possess sufficient capacity to deliver the full scope of services under the Assignment. As such, a dedicated team of specialists, should be ready to support all kind of requests stated in the Assignment. The profile of such specialists should be provided. If there is a need to hire/replace a dedicated staff for the Assignment, a profile of the best candidate for the position should be provided to the EBRD. The EBRD Communications should be involved in taking the final decision on the candidate. The project team specialists should be able to cover request from the EBRD of any communication area (digital, production, design, media, marketing, event management, etc.). The Consultant should calculate the capacity bearing in mind that several kinds of similar tasks and requests could be required to be processed simultaneously. The EBRD reserves the right to replace any Expert/Key Expert, if the one fails to provide the required support at any stage of the Assignment. The adequate replacement shall be provided within the two weeks after the written request from the EBRD.


The Assignment should be implemented across Moldova, covering the approved regions, including selected rural outreach.

It is envisaged that the current Assignment duration is 12 months, starting from the date of Agreement signing.

  1. Consultant profile

 The Consultant shall be a firm able to demonstrate the following experience and expertise:

  1. A first-hand experience in Digital Marketing sphere.
  2. A proven track record in undertaking similar assignments.
  3. At least 3 (three) positive feedbacks from international or large-scale local organisations, working in the similar sector.
  4. Dedicated project team with relevant competencies.
  5. Submission requirements

Qualified consultants are hereby invited to submit proposals to undertake the Assignment.

In order to determine the qualifications and competence of consulting firms seeking to be shortlisted, the information submitted should include the following:

  1. Company presentation, CVs of staff to be engaged in the current Assignment.
  2. Copy of Registration Certificate.
  3. Copy of Extract from State Registry.
  4. Short description of previous similar Assignments, including contact details for references
  5. Proposed short concept vision and format of the above-mentioned Assignment, including stages of the process, responsible parties and the proposed timetable, instruments, methodology, expected output.
  6. Proposed budget with breakdown (number of consultancy days, fees, direct costs, etc.). Please do not include any direct costs related to the proposed activities (venue and equipment rent, transportation costs, etc.)

The documentation has to be delivered in English language by e-mail to the person mentioned in Section 7 below. 

Submission deadline: 15 March 2023


 Proposals should be sent by email:

TO: Maria Terentiev, Analyst

 CC: Kateryna Rigg, National Programme Manager, EBRD SME F&D, Moldova.

Note: The EBRD in Moldova is not bound to accept any of the proposals. Selection and contracting will be made from the proposals received in response to this Call for Expressions of Interest only. The successful consultant will be engaged on the EBRD consultancy services contract for the implementation of the Assignment. Only selected consultant will be contacted.

 [1] Number and type of activities are subject to change based on internal regulations and priorities of the EBRD, subject to special approval.