USAID MISRA Request for Proposal-Development of the Brand Identity of the NBM’s Instant Payments Scheme (IPS)

Nathan Associates Inc. (Nathan Associates), as prime contractor of the U.S. Agency for International Development-funded project USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity (MISRA) is seeking technical and cost proposals from eligible firms for Development of the Brand Identity of the NBM’s Instant Payments Scheme

The main deliverables::

  1. Conduct an assessment and provide a report with findings and recommendations on key elements that define the consumer values, needs and tension points in respect to payments.
  2. Develop the Brand Identity Concept.
  3. Test the IPS Brand Identity Concept and prepare a report.
  4. Adjust the IPS Brand Identity Concept and develop a IPS Brand Identity Concept Document. 
  5. Develop the IPS Brand Identity instruments.

More details are provided in RFP (procurement documentation) that can be requested by email :;


ISSUANCE DATE: February 10, 2023

DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF QUESTIONS: February 17, 2023 18:00 Moldovan time

SUBMISSION DATE:      February 24, 2023 18:00 Moldovan time


With consideration,