Request for Expression of Interest - Graphic Design Services

Request for Expression of Interest

To participate in the tender procedure Framework Agreement in cascade for Provision of Graphic Design Services

EuropeAid/139470/DH/SER/MD No 2018/404-161

To whom it might concern,

The “Strategic Communication and Support to Mass‐Media” project funded by the European Union is looking for 3 companies to provide:

  1. Graphic design

Duration of the assignment: January 2023 – June 2023.

Objective: The scope of this Framework Procedure will vary depending on the individual assignments including but not limited to the below:

Graphic design

  • Support with art direction & design that leverage across mediums and platforms;
  • Develop creative graphic concepts and production for multi-channel communication;
  • Develop recognizable brand/campaign identities/graphic concepts/values;
  • Deliver creative and innovative ideas for print, electronic, and web-based materials;
  • Design of reports and other communication materials for printing and electronic distribution;
  • Create and edit artwork, photos, charts, icons and other graphic elements;
  • Develop layout and design of various information and communication materials (t-shirts, banners, posters, booklets, leaflets, books, bulletins, flyers, cards, and social media banners)
  • Create different illustrative materials such as animation, presentations
  • Video graphics and animation design;
  • Develop a strengthened brand identity for communication campaigns (logo, visuals);
  • Improve the quality of publications and their visual characteristics;
  • Propose modern visuals and innovative visual communication approaches through the close monitoring of the latest graphic design trends;
  • Implement the EU visibility graphic guidelines in all StratCom communication products;
  • Develop web design and development;
  • Propose a design for mobile pavilion / mobile pop-up structure if requested
  • Prepare 3D Modelling and Rendering’
  • Prepare specifications for production;
  • Provide support for the selection of contractor for production;
  • Supervise production process.

Conditions for qualification: official registration (for legal entities), three years of experience, and a portfolio of works.

Should you express an interest in one Lot of this tender procedure, please send a confirmation of interest/participation at: and before January 19, 2023, 16.00. Please mention in the email subject line “FWA Provision of Graphic Design Services”. The eligible and qualified candidates will receive the complete file of the tender procedure together with guidelines for the preparation of offers by email.

Best regards,

EU Project “Strategic Communication and Support to Mass‐Media” 

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