Tender no. 83394703 Development of professional competencies of VET psychologists and in company trainers to increase apprentices' access to qualitative support in the field of professional integration

The German Development Cooperation through GIZ is looking for a company or a consortium to Develop professional competencies of VET psychologists and in company trainers to increase apprentices' access to qualitative support in the field of professional integration within its project “Support to VET in the field of Green Economy”.


Participation is open to individual organizations / consortia of organizations. For a consortium a cooperation agreement should be included in the technical offer.


For the Terms of Reference and eventual questions, please address a message to the e-mail: tenders-giz-moldova@giz.de, indicating the tender number in the message title, not later than November 11, time 17:00.


Within the proposal, the bidder will present:

Financial Offer Including (all in a separate sealed envelope):

  • total gross experts’ fees,
  • all auxiliary costs according to the activities requested in the Terms of Reference
  • total estimated budget, expressed in MDL, 0% VAT.
  • company bank data, including bank name and IBAN for MDL);

Technical offer must compulsorily contain (in a separate sealed envelope), length of the offer will not exceed 5 pages: 

  • Company / organization profile;
  • Brief strategy for delivering the service according to the ToR;
  • Cooperation vision (Identify and establish cooperation with relevant partners; interaction between relevant actors in the field);
  • Steering structure (approach and procedure for steering the measures with the project partners; contribution to results monitoring etc.);
  • Processes (presentation and explanation of the implementation plan, work activities, milestones, schedule; integration of partner contribution etc.);
  • Learning and innovation (instruments and measures undertaken to promote scaling up effects);
  • Management of the project (approach and procedure for project coordination);
  • Personnel assignment plan as a Gantt chart (who, when, what work steps), including explanation and specification of expert days);
  • Description of relevant implemented projects (at least 2) in the last 3 years;
  • CVs of the involved experts and trainers:
  • Certificates and authorizations confirming the permission to carry out the requested activities 
  • Copy of the company registration certificate in the Republic of Moldova, any available license, permits, professional qualification certificate available,
  • No-debt certificate issued by the Moldovan Tax Inspection or copy of the latest financial report.

Proposals may be presented in Romanian or English language.

All personal data are for the internal use of GIZ, confidentiality is guaranteed.


Bids evaluation will be performed based on the ratio 70% for the technical offer and 30% for the financial offer.


Please note that applications received after the deadline, as well as incomplete applications will not be considered. Financial offers containing other currency than MDL (Moldovan Lei) will not be considered. GIZ retains the discretion to re-advertise or cancel this tender.


Applications shall be delivered in sealed envelopes (physical form), showing the tender number (83394703) and subject on it, to the address of GIZ Office Chisinau (73/1 Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Boulevard, NBC building; 9th floor, Chișinău) not later than November 16, 2021 time 17:00.


This project is implemented with the financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)