Tender no. 83393263 Elaboration of a public policy proposal for boosting remote services

The German Development Cooperation through GIZ is looking for a service provider to conduct a study to identify and describe at least five types of non-IT (sub-) sectors, providing remote services which have a high potential for generating new employment with above average wages and high value added, with focus on export and / or innovation / knowledge generation, and to elaborate a public policy proposal for boosting the selected remote services, within its “Economic Policy Advice to the Moldovan Government” project.

For the Terms of Reference (ToR) and eventual questions, please address a message to the e-mail: tenders-giz-moldova@giz.de, indicating the tender number in the message title, not later than November 4, time 17:00.

The objective of this assignment is to stimulate the development of remote services in the Republic of Moldova.

The consultants are expected to conduct the following activities:

  • Identify and describe at least five types of non-IT (sub-) sectors, providing remote services which have a high potential for generating new employment with above average wages and high value added, with focus on export and / or innovation / knowledge generation, and the required skills for the sector (languages, technical and desired professional skills / experience);
  • Design at least three policy options to boost the identified (sub-) sectors in the Republic of Moldova;
  • Evaluate the potential impact of those policy options for the budget and macroeconomic indicators;
  • Draft the set of documents required for the adoption of the new policy;
  • Support the policy maker through the adoption process.


  • Legal entities registered in Republic of Moldova;
  • Proven expertise with policy design and drafting (including regulatory impact assessment);
  • Proven track record of working with the Moldovan Government is highly desirable.

Please consult the ToR for full requirements, including those for the proposed team.

Interested companies shall submit the following set of documents:

a) Technical offer (in a separate sealed envelope) containing:

  • Proposed approach and timeframe
  • Relevant experience of the applying entity
  • CVs of proposed team
  • Copy of the company registration certificate in the Republic of Moldova
  • No-debt certificate issued by the Moldovan Tax Service or copy of the latest financial report.

b) Financial offer (in a separate sealed envelope), containing:

  • The overall gross amount for the realization of each deliverable, as well as a total budget expressed in MDL, VAT exclusive
  • Bank account data, including bank name, code, and IBAN in MDL currency.

Bids evaluation will be performed based on the ratio 70% for the technical offer and 30% for the financial offer.

All personal data are for the internal use of GIZ; confidentiality guaranteed.

Applications shall be delivered in sealed envelopes (physical form), showing the tender number (83393263) and subject on it, to the address of GIZ Office Chisinau (73/1 Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Boulevard, NBC building; 9th floor, Chișinău) not later than November 8, time 17:00..

Please note that applications received after the deadline, as well as incomplete applications will not be considered. Financial offers containing other currency than Moldovan Lei, will not be considered. GIZ retains the discretion to re-advertise or cancel this tender.