RE-Tender no. 83383013 Communication support to formulate and disseminate information on project activities and results

The German Development Cooperation through GIZ is looking for a company to offer communication support to help the Economic Policy Advice to the Moldovan Government project formulate and disseminate information about project activities and results.

For the Terms of Reference (ToR) and eventual questions, please address a message to the e-mail: indicating the tender number in the message title, not later than September 13, 2021 time 17:00.

The objective of the assignment is to provide communication support to help the project formulate and disseminate more and better structured information. In coordination with the project responsible person and the responsible person at GIZ country level, the communications company will develop communication products to promote the project’s activities to different target groups.

To achieve the objective the contractor shall perform the following tasks:

  • Develop communication products (Romanian and English, partly Russian) and support their dissemination via selected communication channels;
  • Develop concepts for knowledge-sharing products of project best practices;
  • Provide on-the-job trainings for the project’s communicators.

Required qualifications:

This assignment will require a specialized communication company, meeting at least the following requirements:

  • Be a legal entity registered in the Republic of Moldova;
  • Prove experience of minimum 5 years in the field of PR and communication;
  • Have working experience with or in international development organizations;
  • Have enough human and technical resources for successfully implementing the proposed activity;
  • Have availability to organize and carry out activities in indicated due time;
  • Availability of specialized software and equipment necessary for developing communication products.

The contractor must assign for this assignment specialists with:

  • Educational background and work experience in journalism;
  • Skills in working out activities in the required field;
  • Experience in working on topics related to social and gender issues in the field;
  • Fluency in English, Romanian and Russian is required.

The successful bids shall include:

a) Original detailed financial offer in MDL, VAT exclusive, corresponding to the activities proposed for implementation and requirements established in the ToR received (in a separate sealed envelope);

b) Technical offer containing (in a separate sealed envelope):

  • Cover letter;
  • Company overview (profile), including experience in the area; team members and their main qualifications (CVs); contact data, persons responsible for the assignment implementation and coordination and/or selected work examples;
  • Copy of the company registration certificate in the Republic of Moldova;
  • Company bank data, including bank name, code and IBAN in MDL;
  • No-debt certificate issued by the Moldovan Tax Service or copy of the latest financial report.

Bids evaluation will be performed based on the ratio 70% for the technical offer (including company and experts experience, capacity to perform as required) and 30% for the financial offer.

All personal data are for the internal use of GIZ; confidentiality guaranteed.

Applicants shall be residents of the Republic of Moldova.

Applications shall be submitted in sealed envelopes to the GIZ Office Chisinau (MD-2001 Chisinau, 73/1 Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Bvd., NBC - National Business Center, 9th floor), showing the tender number 83383013 and subject on it, not later than September 17, 2021, time 17.00.

Please note that applications received after the deadline, as well as incomplete applications will not be considered. Financial offers containing other currency than Moldovan Lei, will not be considered. GIZ retains the discretion to re-advertise or cancel this tender.