Early Stage Investment Training Session

In Chisinau, on 30 – 31 May 2019, for the first time was organized the municipal investment forum (FIM). The forum was attended by the representatives of the Chisinau’s twin cities, business community in Moldova and abroad, diplomatic missions accredited in Moldova and associative sector.

The event was organized especially to facilitate the attraction of new investments and investors in Chisinau. The plenary sessions included vital issues such as agriculture and modern urban planning, smart city technologies, economic cooperation, municipal services and infrastructure modernization.

On the first day of the event, one plenary session was dedicated to Early-Stage Investing Launchpad.

Brigitte BAUMANN, Founder of Go Beyond Early Stage Investing president Emeritus of EBAN, discussed about the following topics:

  • Angel Investing for You: the investment process;
  • Angel Syndicates and Investor Groups;
  • Building and managing a start-up investment portfolio;

During the plenary session, participants were informed about the challenges of raising capital in foreign countries, what are international investors looking for in foreign companies and what can investors do to help their companies raise capital abroad.

The panel was opened by Lucia Usurelu, representing ProEntranse organization, the Local Leader for Republic of Moldova within the Early Stage Investing Launchpad (ESIL).

Sergiu HAREA, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova, Irina Tolstousov from Investment Agency and Moldovan ICT Association, represented by Irina Oriol informed participants about the Moldovan opportunities for entrepreneurs who are looking for good stories and investments

At the event attended more than 30 participants, entrepreneurs and investors.

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