Ten localities of Moldova aim to improve dialogue between citizens and local administration

Ten Moldovan localities set the goal of improving the dialogue between the citizens and the local public administration. A study conducted by CONTACT Center reveals the citizens’ interest in getting involved in the public and administrative life of the local communities is low. Different activities to improve the situation will be carried out during the next two years with the support of nongovernmental organizations.

The ten localities are: Copceac of the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia, Chetrosu, Mereni and Gura Bâcului of Anenii Noi district, Costești of Ialoveni district, Dubăsarii Vechi village of Criuleni district, Ștefan Vodă, Glodeni, Leova, and Drochia.

In a news conference at IPN, programs coordinator at the CONTACT Center Vasile Cioaric said by three mini-grants were offered to the ten localities to solve a number of problems related to transparency and access to information. The local public authorities will improve their equipment and will get devices for broadcasting online the meetings of local councils and the mayor’s office. Assistance will be provided in designing websites and webpages on social networking sites so as to ensure more efficient communication with locals and with those who went abroad. A new study will be carried out after the activities are implemented so as to see how the situation changed.

The president of a public association of Chetrosu Arcadie Baciu said the communication between the local public authorities and the citizens is defective in Chetrosu as in other communities is. The locals usually learn about particular decisions post-factum. The drafts are not consulted beforehand so that the citizens could pronounce on them. The commune is rather large, but all kinds of announcements are usually placed only on a board in front of the mayor’s office. The people should know more about the activity of the local authorities and the decisions that are to be taken and should become involved in these processes.

Deputy mayor of Dubăsarii Vechi district Constantin Makarenko said when the population does not know the situation, all kinds of interpretations appear and this is to the detriment of those who manage the locality. A group of active citizens who want to become involved in the decision-making process so as to ensure sustainable local development was constituted within the project. Those from Dubăsarii Vechi aim to extend the local radio station so as to ensure better informing of locals and to set up information boards all over the village so that public information is accessible not only in front of the mayor’s office.

Doctor of Sociology Inga Chistruga-Sînchevici said the study conducted by CONTACT Center showed the involvement of citizens in solving community problems is at a very low level. The results of the study reveal the need to increase the procedural transparency of local public authorities and to inform citizens better, especially through public debates.

The study “Transparency of Local Public Administration in the Republic of Moldova” was carried out as part of the project “Increasing Local Government Transparency through participatory policies in the Republic of Moldova”. The project is implemented by CONTACT Center and is financed by the United Nations Democracy Fund.

Arcadie Baciu Despre Situatia Din Localitate.Mp3

Vasile Cioaric Despre Sprijinul Acordat Celor 10 Localitati.Mp3

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