Green Transition Officer: Part-time: Online

Development Policy Foundation/Fundacja Polityki Rozwojowej,, a Polish NGO based in Warsaw, Poland, and a non-profit development projects incubator, is looking for an experienced Green Transition Officer to join OUR team.

The core mission of the Foundation is scoped into two main areas. All it takes to make rural development genuine, sustainable, and beneficial for the grassroots communities. We champion tangible participation in urban settings when designing and delivering climate-resilient public spaces and green infrastructure. The Foundation focuses on projects outside the EU. We work throughout EaP, MENA, Turkey, Southeast Asia and Southern Africa (SA, Zambia, Botswana and Namibia).

Your responsibilities in brief

  • To backstop ongoing development & technical assistance projects throughout Eastern Europe (Moldova), Turkey, Southeast Asia, and Southern Africa (SA and Namibia), assisting Warsaw and local teams in stocktaking/ documentation, basic accountancy, reporting, and promotion.   
  • To assist in the ongoing public-donor fund-raising effort: development of the grant proposals (or its parts) under senior staff guidance;

Our expectations

  • Proficient English writer: the ability to produce good quality technical, formal, and informal English content independently & creatively. 
  • Proven at least one year of project management exposure and essential accountancy experience (preparation of contracts, timesheets, basic reporting). 
  • Availability: 25 hours per week.
  • Proficiency in French/ Spanish / Portuguese/ Russian/ Ukrainian is an extra advantage.
  •  BA graduates/ MA students / early graduates preferred.
  • Interest & grasp of one or more of the focal areas: Eastern Europe, Southern Africa, Turkey, MENA, Southeast Asia;
  • Keen interest in sustainable rural/ urban development, green micro-entrepreneurship/green tech, climate change adaptation/ mitigation, and its social/economic/ecological nexus. 
  • Precision and self-organisation. 
  • Willing & keen to travel in Moldova and outside Europe.  
  • Start: late September 2024;

What we offer: facts in brief:

  • Firsthand insight into international development planning and delivery. 
  • Versatile topical exposure related to the grassroots challenges of green transition and CCA.    
  • MIXED REGIME: 25 hours per week, home-office based, with monthly offline meetups in Moldova/ Chisinau.
  • Flexible schedule, task/assignment-based formula.
  • Decent compensation: depending on profile, experience, and commitment, AT LEAST 1200 EUR NET/ “on hand”/ per month, under a 2-month probation contract.
  • Attractive compensation & extended travel after two months’ probation for the best. 

To apply, please send a CV and a genuine BIREF cover letter in English to by September 15, 2024.

Early applications are encouraged.

The selected candidates will be requested to sit the topical & writing competencies test in English.

We reserve the right to close the recruitment at an earlier convenience.

When applying, please add the GDPR clause below:

I hereby give consent for my personal data to be processed by Development Policy Foundation/ Fundacja Polityki Rozwojowej, WAW, PL for the purpose of recruiting for the position I’m applying for.

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