UNIDO is hiring National Veterinary Medicine Expert

Project: Improving the standards compliance through increased national capacities for residue monitoring (Joint financing EU/UNIDO)

The overall objective of this Action is to enhance national consumer safety and access to safe, healthy, and nutritious food and to improve trade opportunities and create a conducive business environment for SMEs, thus contributing to resilient, sustainable, and inclusive economic development as well as paving the way to a fully-fledged Green Deal for the Republic of Moldova.

The specific objective of the Action is to increase national capacities for residue monitoring in animal feed and products of animal origin (pesticides, veterinary medicine, contaminants, and prohibited substances).


Under the overall guidance of the Project Manager (PM), direct supervision of International Technical Adviser and close cooperation with the project team in the HQ and field location, the National veterinary medicine expert will scrutinize the procedure of authorisation of import, production, and use of veterinary medicine, provide recommendations on streamlining the procedure to achieve higher compliance with EU regulation and allow for digitalization in the form of State Register of Veterinary Medicines.
Main activities:
1. Analyse the existing national regulations on the import, use and destruction of veterinary drugs by groups through interviews, desk research and analysis of secondary data;
2. Propose the streamlining of the procedures along the life cycle of the veterinary drugs towards digitization of the State Register of Veterinary Medicines, processes along the lifecycle and to ensure traceability;
3. Provide support to MAFI and ANSA on how to integrate, adjust and/or develop required policies, regulations and technical requirements for the use and control of veterinary drugs in compliance with EU requirements, based on the approved proposals from Activity 2, through written inputs, meetings and working group discussions, and under the direct supervision and consultation with International Technical Adviser;
4. Design of the traceability system and implementation of traceability requirements  focusing on the traceability of the whole process of veterinary drug products from the factory/import to the use, trace code and data exchange file interface standards involved in the national veterinary drug product traceability system;
5. Support project in the formulation of the ToR for the ANSA information subsystem with a particular focus on State Register of Veterinary Medicines;
6. Prepare and submit for approval to the PM a final report

To apply please submit CV in English language to the e-mail address r.cater@unido.org no later than 14 April 2024. Please indicate “National Veterinary Medicine Expert” in the subject line. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Only selected candidates will be contacted. 


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